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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: September 28 2024 at 10:32pm

Topic: New here!
Posted By: treewoman
Subject: New here!
Date Posted: April 15 2008 at 10:23am
Hello! Finally registered here after years of visiting. I've decided to grow my hair long, even though almost everyone says that I look better with shorter hair. Hmm. Luckily my beloved asked me why I keep getting my hair cut and not being happy with it. At this point I wailed "because I love long hair!" So, he, being eminently sensible said "well, grow it then". Ah, such a relief to have someone around here with common sense Wink
Anyone else have a similar problem with "good advice" from others? I have an "oblong" face with small features and also my hair is fine (although wavy too and there's plenty of it). This seems to be why hairdressers in particular say I should keep it shorter. Also it's going grey - which I think is quite exciting and am really happy with - but is apparently a "bad" thing...
I am averagely tall and slimmish otherwise with no distinguishing featuresSmile
I would love to grow my hair waist-length ( with no fringe or layers) but am happy to start with the goal of mid-back and see how it looks then. (It's now in a jaw-length bob which is OK but a bit blah I think).
I love Claire Danes' hair in 'Stardust' and also the Lord of the Rings gals hair. Also think that Dave Decker's hair here looks fantastic.
Anyhow, I'd appreciate any comments (especially encouragement!). Anyone else have a similar experience but have grown it really long and now love it?
(PS Sorry if I posted twice - never posted online before). 

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: April 16 2008 at 9:30am
I often wonder why so many people are always telling other people what they should look like.  I guess the answer is usually either controlling people, or they decided they know better than you what's best for you.  Its your hair, so you get to decide - they have their own hair to decide things about! 

You clearly love long hair, so go for it!  That's how I felt when I started this journey.  My own mom and brother were my biggest opponents.  But I just loved how everyone I've seen looks with super long hair, and I also love wearing it so many different ways.   I can do something different with it every day for weeks!   Mine isn't as long as I want it yet. 

Good luck on your journey, and welcome!

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: treewoman
Date Posted: April 17 2008 at 10:21am
Thanks Susan W! It's nice to know that someone else has 'been there'.
I just looked at your website and your hair looks very beautiful now. Does it take a lot of work to get it that shiny? How long are you wanting to grow it? I'm intrigued (my friends call it being nosy!)
Now I have to distract myself from hairdressers. I might write 'DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR' on my calendar every month!
PS Love your signature pic. too.


Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 7:16am
No, I'm happy you are interested!  In real life, no one ever says anything about my hair.  (That's one thing I don't think a lot of people expect in the growing journey - that for some reason all the long hair fans are quiet until you cut it and then they pop up from out of the woodwork and go "Aaah!  Where is it?!")

So, thanks for the compliment!  I use a dilute vinegar rinse after washing (because we have mineraly well water that makes it dull) and then I oil it with a mix of jojoba oil and mango butter to get it shiny.  I don't find my hair very much work at all.  Much less than when I was young and we did all the spiking and hairspray with the shorter styles.

I'm not sure how long I want it to be, but like you, I loved the thigh length hair in Lord of the Rings, and I think it would be neat to try it.  If I get sick of it, or find it too difficult, I will go back to classic length or tailbone length, probably never shorter.

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 4:41pm
     Big%20smile Welcome, Treewoman!! One very dear friend whom I met at work two years ago was sitting at our lunch table. The subject of hair came up, and (naturally) I mentioned that I thought that long hair was alluring on most women. My friend (then 55) mused that she always had loved having hair past her shoulders. At that point I think that the longest hair on her head was a bit past 2" long, so I said "Well?" She explained that all the magazines said that short hair flattered older women. I replied that I believed that the opposite was true.  
     Anyway, she eventually asked me what I thought about her prospects to re-grow, and my advice was to go for it since she had really loved her former long hair. She seemed truly excited. Fast forward a year an a half. Despite encountering an all-too-typical stylist who mistook 3" for 1", her hair now lays an inch or so past her shoulders. The best news is that it looks super, and she mentioned to me a few weeks ago that whenever she encounters folks who haven't seen her in a while, they are blown away by her longer locks. She said that it was a struggle to stay the course on bad hair days, but she is so happy that she did! Blessings on you journey also, Treewoman. You have one outstanding advisor in Susan, obviously! LOL Bob 

Posted By: paper
Date Posted: April 19 2008 at 8:15am
Hi Treewoman and welcome! Good luck growing your hair. I agree with Susan, why do people feel they need to tell others how they should or shouldn't wear there hair. You do what makes you happy.
I started growing my hair in Sept. 07 from chin length layered all over. Updated pic below. It is slow but been fun too. We can grow our hair together :)


Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: April 19 2008 at 9:21pm

That is an amazing story, Bob!  How inspirational!

Paper, your hair is looking great!

Treewoman, we're all cheering you on. cheer I'm glad to hear that your husband is supportive of your decision to grow it long.  Do it for him, if for nothing else.

40 inches
did henna for the first time - click here to go to My Hair Space

Posted By: paper
Date Posted: April 20 2008 at 10:14am
Thanks hairbraider Smile


Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: April 20 2008 at 1:58pm
Welcome, Treewoman Smile I hope you find us a good source for support. Five years ago I had a boxie (bob pixie hybrid) and hated it. Now I'm not going back. Without other longhairs it'd be so hard. The past five years were a big adventure, trying new routines, figuring out what's worth worrying about and what's not... learning to keep it simple...

Good to have you join us.

-------------"> my LJ , 40 inches long

Posted By: treewoman
Date Posted: April 22 2008 at 2:53pm

Thanks to everyone for a very friendly welcome!

- Susan, thanks for the advice re. hair washing etc. Hope you have fun with your hair growing experiments too!
- Bob, great story, thanks! I wonder why it is that we sometimes feel we need 'permission' to do what we want?!
- Paper. I like the idea of a hair buddy -thanks!
- Hairbraider, thanks and hello  
- Anais. good to hear that you're enjoying your long hair so much. It looks fab!
Um, did I miss anyone out?!
I'll try to get some pictures as I go along as looking at everyone else's 'before' and 'after's is really encouraging.


Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 01 2008 at 9:50pm
Belated welcome greetings, treewoman!  Thank you so much for your compliment.  I am honored by your kind praise.

I am glad to hear you have broken free from the chains that bound you to the salons.  You know they only feed your their carp to keep you coming back for more (more services, that is -- certainly not more hair!). LOL

Give your husband a handshake and an "atta boy!" for me. Big%20smile


Posted By: Lengthygoal
Date Posted: June 23 2008 at 9:09am
I'm new to this site and have starting to grow my hair out from my the time I ever got it cut when I was 13. At the shortest it was about chin lenght. Now its a little past my bra strap. I highly recommend growing out your hair if thats what you want! Its good that your supported by your loved one.

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