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uhhm... excuse you!

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Category: Lace Front Wigs
Forum Name: Lace Front Wig Talk
Forum Description: Lace Front Wig Talk
Printed Date: June 26 2024 at 4:34am

Topic: uhhm... excuse you!
Posted By: phillycutee
Subject: uhhm... excuse you!
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 11:01am
okay, so yesterday i open the door to UPS delivering a package. NOO it was not a new unit, calm down ladiesWink, my shopping fetish extends WAAY past LW's. Anyway when she walked up to the door i was reading my 9 year old son the riot act, becuase I had just got off the phone with his school bus driver and the discpline specialist at his school.So needless to say I was loud and we were in the living room with just the screen door closed, so needless to say when the UPS driver got on our porch she heard me telling my son off. ANYWAY, she smiled I smiled and we made VERy small talk about our kids, and telling them off. So then she says to me, "oh is that one of those webbed wigs?" Shocked I was sooo stunned that i just stood there for a moment, then she says "i'm sorry, i didnt realize that was your hair, i just thought it was one of those new wigs, because of the texture, but i can see now that must be your hair". I am still standing there in shock not really saying anything becuse i dont kow how to respondConfused. dont you know that little snot nose 9 year old, who was 2 seconds off of getting the black beat off his behind mere moments ago, whiphad the nerve to chime in and say "yeah, its a wig, and my mom is ALWAYS washing it and stuff. She had to get it from China" It was around this moment that I started to see stars. I didnt know if i wanted to strangle my son, or cuss out the rude UPS lady.
Well all I could do at that point is tell my son to go somewhere b4 i kill him, and then I said to the UPS lady, well actually this is a FULL LACE WIG and you should know better cause AA hair comes in all textures. By the time it was said in done I was giving her my phone number if she was really intrested in them.
that was a first!! and I know my APP was onpoint! Of course I had a talk with my son about the IMPORTANCE of never putting a womans secret out there like that. I added it to the list of things I always tell him such as " u dont need a reason to buy a woman flowers, etc. But boy did i have egg on my face!!
edited to put in that the texture was my Jacksun WAVY curly thats in my fotki. i get alot of complements and people that know what it is always remark how natural it looks on me

Posted By: Shonita24
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 11:17am
Oh Girl.....I am sitting at my desk LMAOLOL but I totally understand how you felt.  I think it's a 9 year old thing because mine does the same mess to me and I have had to take him to the side and squeeze the crap out of his arm while I go off softly in a harsh tone (lol) because most of the time we are in public and I can't act a complete fool [not like the old days when yo mama would whoop yo butt in public - I still do it from time to time though (lol)]! But again I understand

Posted By: phillycutee
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 11:54am
shonita gurl you KNOW he is going to his dads house this weekend right. It was soo funny cause when I called his dad, i told him " Your son is misbehaving in school, on the school bus, and he told sombody i had on a wig!" his dad just bust out laughing, he's tryna figure out how in the world i equate poor behavior, with him telling someone i got on a wig! lol lol the funny part is they dont know no better. especially becuase i have ALWAYS worn hair in some shape or form, he thiks its normal.

Posted By: ShowStoppers
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 12:36pm
LMAO<  I needed that laugh. Girl, I picked my son up from school yesterday and he had the nerve to say 'Mommy, I know why you have that hat on your head, I said 'Why baby" and he said "Because you must have left your wig at home' talking as loud as he possibly could two women behind us heard everything before I knew it I grabbed his shirt collar and we were running to the car

Posted By: chyna_li
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 12:50pm
girl both of them would have gotten it thoroughly.

Posted By: Shonita24
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 12:59pm
This is soo funny...I don't feel alone!  My son's father always says "You got that wig on today"....and I'm like , "What do you think?"  I think it's a male thing....they are just oblivious to a woman's secrets (lol)
My grandmother had a saying to us grandkids when we acted up...she would say "I'll snatch you in Two" I find myself saying that to my kids.  Funny how when you get older you take on your elders traits, etc......

Posted By: candygrl2467
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 1:08pm
I think we need a warning for posts like this.  When you are about to say something funny....please warn us!! Im sitting up here reading and looking like a got turrets because im trying really hard not to laugh out loud so my coworkers arent like there she goes again...which will invite questions as to why im reading this instead of working.

I dont even know what I would have done. I wonder what my little brother who is 9 says about my hair......he's always up in my face saying something. But he lets me know when my app is on

Posted By: thedivaisin
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 1:23pm
kanelol, my 8 year girl is ALWAYS putting my business out on the streets as well. It takes everything I have in me to not smack her in the face. I want to just Ouch. I tell her all the time "Dont tell people our business". But she doesn't understand what "our business" is no matter how many times I try to explain it. And kids her age don't think before they speak so she has no filter.

Posted By: Shonita24
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 1:29pm
Originally posted by thedivaisin thedivaisin wrote:

kanelol, my 8 year girl is ALWAYS putting my business out on the streets as well. It takes everything I have in me to not smack her in the face. I want to just Ouch. I tell her all the time "Dont tell people our business". But she doesn't understand what "our business" is no matter how many times I try to explain it. And kids her age don't think before they speak so she has no filter.
So true!Wink

Posted By: mocha78
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 1:32pm
Lol That is too cute!! That is something my babies would have done.....but ummmm Girl Start telling him about       "house business" That's what we call it round here.

Posted By: LovelyLisa
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 1:32pm
OMG! I would have strangled my son! Girl he would do something like that too! Always up in my business!LOL

Posted By: intl_babygirl
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 2:14pm
I'm mortified for ya ... my mother would have wailed on my tail if i did that

Posted By: relentless
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 2:29pm
ok I have one.

My grandmother asks me if I have any nail polish remover. I tell her no but I have some acetone if she would like to try it. She asks me why I have acetone? I tell her I use it to get the glue out of my hair. She says why you have glue in your hair.

Here come my six year old son with the whole LF application step by step instructions: Its a wig grandma that she glues to the front of  her head, then mommies uses tape in the back and the acetone to take it off and clean up the glue boogers with a toothbrush.

I was like damn tell her what underwear i have on too!!!!

Posted By: phillycutee
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 3:20pm
LOL @ relntls. I thank you ladies for sharing your stories, its nice to know im not the only one out there ready to tape her kids mouth. Forgive these chilren Lord for they know not what they do!

Posted By: docpam69
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 4:55pm
My kids are always discussing my hair (wig) with their friends. I had to let them know that everyone who pays me a compliment doesn't need to know if it's a wig or not. I've never had anyone ask me outright. sometimes I'll tell someone especially if they look like they could use help themselves!

Posted By: sexibeach
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 5:33pm
girl i always told my kids what goes in my house stays in my house otherwise you'll get a beat down...LOL

Posted By: ShowStoppers
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 5:41pm

Posted By: fakeizme
Date Posted: April 18 2008 at 8:01pm
LOL OMG, we are trying to get pregnant this summer...this is making me rethink that plan!!!!LOL

Posted By: ljdream
Date Posted: April 19 2008 at 7:53am
LOL This sounds so FAMILIAR!!

At my sisters graduation dinner
The whole family (mainly grown women) were at the table and my mother
came in with her "new dew" and it was beautiful....Needless to say my Nephew (age 15 at the time) had the nerve (with his innocent heart) to say...cyclops

" Grandma, yo wig surely looks pretty"..." you should wear THAT one more often".

Shocked OH MY GOSH, EVERY  SINGLE WOMAN head turned and gave him the look of death because we were in a PUBLIC Restaurant and my nephew was at least 5 seats down, so he had to Yell his statement so that she would hear it....

We did politely tell him that you never say... your "wig, weave, extentions, or toupee looks good". We told him always say "hair", even if you know it's not theirs....Wink

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