Off-Topic : Sean Bell Case
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Topic: Off-Topic : Sean Bell Case
Posted By: griff
Subject: Off-Topic : Sean Bell Case
Date Posted: April 25 2008 at 4:34pm
Hi Everybody,
I really need to vent about the results of the Sean Bell case. Things are HOT in the northeast today and tensions are really high. When the verdict came out that the three police officers were found not guilty, I felt sick to my stomach. It has been and continues to be "open season" on black men in this area. The governer urged black people not to become violent. How ironic! I am truly sickened and tired by this drama. So many people think that the north is "liberated", but the truth is that the racism here is institutionalized, and therefore, much harder to point out and combat than blatant, overt forms of racism. While I personally feel afraid and defeated by this case, I am making it my mission to not become apathetic and helpless. I encourage you all to do the same. We, both as women of color, and women period (white, black or other), need to empower ourselves to NOT accept whatever society hands to us. This could have just as easily been my husband (hell I know he went out and partied the night before our wedding), my brother, or my son (I cringe as I even typed that last one). I don't think that others looking at this case understand how close it hits to home for so many of us. I live literally 15 minutes from NYC. This stuff happens there and in Newark, NJ, East Orange, Irvington, and Orange all the time. Aren't the police supposed to protect and serve? I don't see anything in that phrase that says "unless you are black or hispanic". I pay just as much in taxes to support their salaries as anyone else, so why should I have to be afraid that they will murder someone I love????
Anyway, thanks for listening and I will climb down off my soapbox. I hope that people in my area and all over for that matter can find a productive way to handle the overburdening anger that we feel. But it is also my hope, that this doesn't just get swept under the rug like so many of the other cases (Jena 6 and Amadu Diallo come to mind as I type this). Now, I work in a middle school which is maybe 75% black and hispanic, yet out of almost 70 educators, I am the only black one . Somebody needs to talk to these kids. Is it inappopriate for me to offer a forum afterschool?
Posted By: candygrl2467
Date Posted: April 25 2008 at 4:42pm
no girl. Someone needs to teach them. DO IT> Because you know that no one else in your school will unless you do. Yeah this sh*t has got me pissed off too. And it is hot over here as well. You can tell there is a certain atmosphere and you can tell. I just hope everything is peaceful cuz you know they are going to be like well "see they are always upset at us and we didnt even shoot him"
Posted By: griff
Date Posted: April 25 2008 at 4:52pm
It is a constant struggle. My nerves are shot today. I was in Lohmann's buying a juicy coutoure shirt for my daughter and some Kenneth Cole stuff for my son and a woman in the fitting room asked me if I had anymore dressing rooms. Now I usually get pissed about stuff like that cause afterall, I have my kids with me and a purse jack*ss what makes you think I work here, but today I actually yelled at her. I snapped at her, "NO, I'm shopping here.....JUST LIKE YOU!" She apologized but I just replied WHATEVER!!!! I think it's disgusting that after being victimized, we need to be reprimanded by the governer about what MIGHT happen. Sh*t, people have a right to be pissed. His fiance has to raise THEIR kids without him. Now, whose going to make that right for those little girls. I look at my own daughter who thinks her my husband hung the moon. There's nothing that I could say to console her if it were our family......
And on another note, lots of people that I work with insist that racism died out with jim crowe!!!! Like collectively, as a race, we are making it up. When stuff like this happens, maybe they acknowledge it a little bit.....
I have to think about how to discuss this with the kids. I have an anger management group for boys....maybe I'll start with them....
Posted By: BFF Princess
Date Posted: April 25 2008 at 5:14pm
griff wrote:
And on another note, lots of people that I work with insist that racism died out with jim crowe!!!! Like collectively, as a race, we are making it up. When stuff like this happens, maybe they acknowledge it a little bit.....
I have to think about how to discuss this with the kids. I have an anger management group for boys....maybe I'll start with them.... |
It's really sad! The other day, my boss came in beaming because Hillary won the PA primary...then she had the nerve to say that racism isnt a problem in this country anymore....but sexism is the real problem in this country because its so blatant, in your face, yada yada. Can you believe that?? There are people that actually believe that crap!
Posted By: sexibeach
Date Posted: April 25 2008 at 5:21pm
its so sad and a miscarriage of justice.. don't get me started on that Hillary she and Obama is in my state RIGHT NOW! i'm so sick of her mouth we have got to stop this woman in Indiana get her out of the race and shut her big fat stupid mouth!
Posted By: griff
Date Posted: April 25 2008 at 5:29pm
sexibeach wrote:
its so sad and a miscarriage of justice.. don't get me started on that Hillary she and Obama is in my state RIGHT NOW! i'm so sick of her mouth we have got to stop this woman in Indiana get her out of the race and shut her big fat stupid mouth! |
Good luck...she doesn't fight fair and swears that being the first lady somehow gives her presidential experience. I'm quite surprised that she won in PA, but you know how those "electronic" polls work.
Posted By: bigmomma
Date Posted: April 25 2008 at 6:03pm
this is so sad, i cant belive this s$$$ i just came from midtown and its crazy, i think we might have another roit
Posted By: griff
Date Posted: April 25 2008 at 6:12pm
sexibeach wrote:
its so sad and a miscarriage of justice.. don't get me started on that Hillary she and Obama is in my state RIGHT NOW! i'm so sick of her mouth we have got to stop this woman in Indiana get her out of the race and shut her big fat stupid mouth! |
Girl, you ain't never lied about that!
Posted By: griff
Date Posted: April 25 2008 at 6:13pm
bigmomma wrote:
this is so sad, i cant belive this s$$$ i just came from midtown and its crazy, i think we might have another roit |
Please be safe!! We are all so emotional, just try to stay out of harm's way. I don't trust NYPD for nothing in the world. Physically hold onto to all the men and boys in your life until this situation stabilizes. You know they have permission to shoot first anyway.
Posted By: bigmomma
Date Posted: April 25 2008 at 7:26pm
i will ,u know its sad people talking about getting them some TVs not realizing how messed up the system is and trying 2 get our people in office so u can try to change things like this. I'll be in my house with the doors bolted and chain.
Posted By: Curlygirl11
Date Posted: April 25 2008 at 11:46pm
griff wrote:
And on another note, lots of people that I work with insist that racism died out with jim crowe!!!! Like collectively, as a race, we are making it up. When stuff like this happens, maybe they acknowledge it a little bit.....
I have to think about how to discuss this with the kids. I have an anger management group for boys....maybe I'll start with them.... |
I feel myself getting pissed off just reading your posts. It has ALWAYS amazed the hell out of me when white people presume to have the ability to gauge the degree of racial oppresion ethnic minorities are experiencing - as though they can even feel it The fact that you are the only Black teacher at a school that is 75% Black and Hispanic speaks volumes in and of itself. I gotta say though, I'm glad you're there because the quickest and most effective way to change any large social system is from the INSIDE out. Trust me, I know how stressful it can be not having people in your workplace that can relate to your struggles as they pertain to race but hang in there because God has equipped you for the environment he has placed you in.
Posted By: panzerswifey
Date Posted: April 28 2008 at 1:46am
Will it ever end, A black man killed & a judge doesnt think it was wrong.
We got doctors refusing black & latinos pain meds because they feel the are either abusing them or selling them.
Then u have Griff in the store & because she is blk she must be an employee because she just cant be educated & just happen to have a very good job.
I am going back to homeschooling my kids but I am doing it through a virtual academy & they have the kids do placement test, They said my daughter in 6th gr tested at a 1st grade level, so they had us do some school work she did 5,6 &7 grade in one day. ( I swear when they know ur not caucasion the give ur kids the harder test.) They dont believe blacks can homeschool. A white teacher told me it is harder for african americans to home school.
I guess what I am saying is they stereotype us so much, and it will never end.
Posted By: stardaqueenb23
Date Posted: April 28 2008 at 1:16pm
Girl thanks because I am especially pissed because I live in NY. I have a fiance who is the most innocent, smart man with a clean background and he is harrased all the time, allthough he has never been arrested, did drugs or owned a gun. We also have twin sons so I am one who is commited to change this institutionalized racism. I believe we black people need to stick together and mobilize like in the 1960's. I heard that AL Sharpton is calling for some marches and boycotting and I for one need to be appart of this. I believe if this happens to one of us it happens to all of us. So please be appart of the movement.
Posted By: griff
Date Posted: April 28 2008 at 5:38pm
And now, just like I thought, no one around here is even talking about it. - stardaqueenb23 : You spoke the truth about voting. They don't take us seriously, so we need to remember that when it's time to get folks in office.
panzerswife: I can't even believe somebody had the nerve to tell you that it is harder to homeschool african american children. Especially since most teachers expect very little from our kids. As parents, we set the bar way higher. That is such b.s.....I'm glad your daughter proved them wrong.
Curlygirl: I hope your right about creating change from the inside. Sometimes it feels like an uphill battle. I was spreading the word about New York Sports Club and how I was profiled there. My coworker insists that it's not racism. It's like talking to a brick wall. He says that the assistant manager is black and so are several members. I had to explain to him that just because the manager is a "big black guy" (direct quote from the coworker ) doesn't mean that they are somehow above racism!