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Cutting My Hair

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: January 22 2025 at 5:06am

Topic: Cutting My Hair
Posted By: Addy
Subject: Cutting My Hair
Date Posted: May 15 2008 at 9:24am

Yep.  I want to cut off these Censored layers to a blunt cut that will sit on my shoulders...  actually bang length... which touch my collar bone. 

I had a terrible haircut from a young girl and she pulled my hair on top of my head and *whap* it was gone but she never blended it.  I have a 2 or more inch difference between layers with no real blend but actual steps in my hair.
If I don't flat iron it in the mornings when I wash and touch up on days I don't wash, it looks down right hideous.Dead 
My hair is yelling at me for the abuse I'm putting it through to get it to look nice but it's not making me look nice either. 
I will be loosing 8 months of growth which totals about 5-6" in all.  <my hair grows pretty fast>  <<Thank God!
I am ready to go for it but my friend who is a cosmetologist is not ready to cut it and I'm a bit irritated by it.  She says she doesn't want to make me cry because I cried *like a baby* the last time it was cut but I feel there is a big difference even though it will end up the same length but WITHOUT the layers.  I think I need this cut but I didn't want the last one.
I'd also like to say that my goals are still the same.  I want a classic length but I also want heathy hair too.
Does this sound irrational? 
Oh and a pic to show huge step in layers...">
And how do you blob faces out so I can show the front of my hair?

Posted By: Addy
Date Posted: May 15 2008 at 2:18pm
Well, who cares?!  I got it cut and I'm very satisfied! 
Now off to growing again!Big%20smile  WITH NO LAYERS!danceparty  Well, hardly any. 
I'll post pics later.Wink

Posted By: 30isthenewblack
Date Posted: May 15 2008 at 3:54pm
I got my hair cut a week ago. I said I was growing out my layers so the hairdresser took it upon himself to cut the longest layer short to be the same length as the next layer. I was very upset at first and to be honest, a part of me still is but when I looked in the mirror, my hair looks fuller and has more volume.
Like you, I don't want to sacrifice healthy hair for long hair. My longer layer was thin and wispy and I don't think it was growing. Now our hair is cut, we have to take good care of it so it doesn't need a drastic cut again.
I'm glad you are happy with the haircut. That is the main thing. At the end of the day, if you are growing out your layers, you're going to have to cut off a fair bit of length sooner or later.


Posted By: Addy
Date Posted: May 15 2008 at 4:49pm
You are so right...  It's gotta be cut off sooner or later. 
I'm pretty happy with this cut except for one thing and that is the bangs.  I don't ever remember telling her I wanted them trimmed but she did.  They are a little under my chin but were collar bone length this morning.Confused 
I can live with it though and my hair is still a bit wavy!  Oh well.  I will learn to love it!  From this day on it will see no more heat!Big%20smile

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: May 15 2008 at 5:18pm
     The layers were driving you crazy, so you probably did the right thing. From that photo, they look rather sloppily done, razored perhaps. That close-up was surprising, since the original photo from a distance seemed as if the layers laid very nicely. Be very, very patient, and you'll get there, Addy! Best, Bob  Wink  

Posted By: Addy
Date Posted: May 15 2008 at 6:32pm
Believe it or not Bob those layers were cut with scissors.  Shocked  It was horrid. 
Here's a new pic after the cut...">
And my ponytail...">

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: May 15 2008 at 9:42pm
Lately I have seen a lot of horrid haircuts with drastic differences in layer lengths (on the same head, yes).  I wonder if salons are hiring kindergardeners to staff their chairs these days.


Posted By: Addy
Date Posted: May 15 2008 at 9:50pm
I will say that the girl I went to today was pretty good for just starting 2 years ago.  She really listened to me but did cut into my bangs but she left me a good length.  I first told her how the young blonde cut it last time and she asked if her name was _____.  I told her I didn't know but she said that's who it was when I described her.  So, I told her my goals of a classic length and she said that was her goal too.Big%20smile  She had very light brown hair with lighter highlights throughout and it seemed long but was clipped up. 
She did make me happy though.    Clap

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: May 16 2008 at 9:14am
Yay!  Happy salon story!  Those are so rare.

Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to:

Posted By: paper
Date Posted: May 18 2008 at 6:22am
Hi Addy, your hair looks good and you still have some length to it.


Posted By: Addy
Date Posted: May 18 2008 at 3:23pm
Thanks paper.
I'm glad the girl didn't go hog wild on me.  LOL  I'm also tryin to get use to the wave I got goin on.  I've been washing and wearing, just like I said I would.  It does look weird not to see the longer ends but I'm okay with that.  It'll be back to almost bsl soon, probly by January 09. 
We'll see.dance1
Those smilies are cool.

Posted By: paper
Date Posted: May 19 2008 at 4:00pm
I know how you feel. Once I had BSL hair I told the lady to trim the back and she cut it above my shoulders. It felt so strange not having hair to flip back or take out of shirt etc.....
The waves are pretty. Did you not have wavy hair before, or is it the layers bringing them out?


Posted By: Addy
Date Posted: May 19 2008 at 8:45pm
My hair use to be straight. 
I just don't know where the waves came from.  

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