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Your fav long hair talking Head

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Category: Beautiful People, Beautiful Hair
Forum Name: Celebrity Hair Talk
Forum Description: The hair trials and tribulations of Celebrities
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 1:07am

Topic: Your fav long hair talking Head
Posted By: Mike46019
Subject: Your fav long hair talking Head
Date Posted: June 10 2008 at 1:00pm
So I have few Patty Ann Brown from FOX

LISA SYLVESTER from CNN I guess she has been growing it longer.

Kristen Dodd from the TWC.

Few men are killed by the bayonet;many are scared by it.Bayonets should be fixed when the fire fight starts.General George Patton Jr.,War As I Knew It,1947.

Posted By: fatmoogas
Date Posted: June 10 2008 at 1:13pm
Sharyn Alfonsi from ABC.

Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: June 10 2008 at 2:43pm
       How about Lara Logan of CBS, Mike? Locally, we have a Candace Kelly, but she's recently layered, shortened and flattened her hair since her recent marriage. Hers was awesome locally, until recent weeks. It's still all right.
      I admit that I almost never watch national news, so I haven't seen Lara's locks for over a year.  It may be short now. There is no #2 now, since Monica Crowley did the middle-age bob thing, quite unfortunately. Smile Best, Bob

Posted By: dwolf
Date Posted: June 10 2008 at 2:48pm
I'm in with Natalie Morales, NBC/MSNBC.  Alex Witt, CNN is a close second.

Posted By: DMB61
Date Posted: June 10 2008 at 6:00pm
Kristin Dodd - TWC
Patti-Ann Browne - Fox News
Natalie Morales - NBC Today Show
Alex Witt - MSNBC
Linda Stouffer - CNN Headline News

Posted By: Kramer
Date Posted: June 10 2008 at 6:43pm
Nice topic, Mike. I should have done this moons ago. Sorry, I can't limit this to one or a few. I present my top 20, subject to change at any moment, of course.
1. Lourdes Stephen of Univision. She has to have the longest hair among any newsbabe. And I think it's all real.
2. Barbara Bermudo of Univision. I'd list her at No. 1, but I think her hair includes some extensions. Still I love hearing her say "Bar-bar-uh Burr-moo-doh." And what a body!
3. Carol Costello of CNN. Carol has some bad hair days, but typically looks wonderful. Actually, Carol is my favorite CNN newsbabe and can do no wrong, so scratch the "bad hair days" comment.
4. Alex Witt of MSNBC. I occasionally see old photos of Alex when she had shorter hair and wonder why it took her so long to grow it. Very sexy.
5. Neida Sandoval of Univision. She's the morning newsbabe on "Despierta America." I like her hair better straight than curly or wavy, and in her natural dark color rather than highlights, but she is a solid pick in the top five.
6. Molly Line of Fox. Not as long as some of the others, but always very healthy looking. Her hair and her natural beauty make a wonderful combination.
7. Jill Rappaport of NBC. She's more of an entertainment reporter, but I've been in lust with her hair since the first time I saw it.
8. Laura Ingle of Fox. Picture singer Juice Newton in her hey day. Laura is the spitting image, down to the hair.
9. Carmen Dominicci of Univision. If she was on more often, she'd be listed even higher, although truth be told, I'm more into her amazing eyes than her hair.
10. Karla Martinez of Univision. Karla was in my top two last month, but she got rid of her soft golden color and switched to black, which is most likely closer to her natural color, but some how looks fake. At least she kept most of the length.
11. Janice Dean of Fox. If weather babes can be part of this list, Janice is No. 1 among weather babes. Nothing fancy, but her hair always looks great. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Janice.
12. Juliet Huddy of Fox. If newsbabes turned talkshow hosts are allowed, Juliet fits here. I love that she talks about enjoying herself with long hair and even wore amazing extensions through some of her show's early months. She's on the grow.
13. Contessa Brewer of MSNBC. She's my favorite newsbabe on that network. I love her hair. Loved even more when it was longer.
14. Robin Meade of CNN HLN. I know her hair is filled with extensions, but it's just so perfect most days.
15. Becky Quick of CNBC. Becky would not have been on this list a year ago, but she continues to let her hair grow and I can't remember her looking better.
16. Natalie Morales of NBC. I wouldn't necessarily consider her hair long, but it generally looks great.
17. Jenna Lee of Fox. I'd have her higher up, but she cut it some around the time the Fox business network debuted.
18. Christi Paul of CNN HLN. She's the perfect substitute when Robin Meade is MIA. Nice blonde locks, generally kept roots free.
19. Alison Stewart of MSNBC. If she's still with that network, she belongs on this list -- and probably higher than 19th. Her curly hair is great. Her straight hair melted me.
20 (tie). Rebecca Gomez of Fox and Nancy O'Dell of Access Hollywood. I've always been a fan of Rebecca. And yet, I'd probably rank her higher if her show didn't air out of a bar setting. I just hate the thought of her hair smelling like a smoky bar. If Nancy counts, she belongs in the top 20.
Honorable mention:
Linda Stouffer of CNN HLN (If she keeps letting her hair grow -- especially those bangs -- she's in; Linda is my favorite newsbabe on CNN HLN)
Megan Kelly of Fox (she tries but her hair has to be filled with extensions)
Betty Nguyen of CNN (great hair, but just when it looks spectacular, she gets it cut)
Satcha Pretto of Univision (how many newsbabes that you can't understand can you include on this list anyway?)
Past 20 members until their fall from grace:
Monica Crowley (Bob, you said it with Monica. She would have been No. 1 on my list before cutting her gorgeous blonde mane into nothing special whatsoever)
Ann Curry (Locks of Love wins; I lose)
Brigitte Quinn of Fox (her hair is getting a tad shorter every time I see her. stop already!)
Rudi Bakhtiar (I'm not sure if Rudi is still with Fox, but she was in my top five during her best years on the air, lower than that after she cut it shorter).
Note to self: If Maria Shriver and Kathleen Kennedy ever return to the air, add them back on the list.

Who has more fun than people?

Posted By: Mike46019
Date Posted: June 11 2008 at 1:17am
Well I'm glad it started something here. Yes anyone that does anything dealing with news should be here. Weather ladies also. Yes I forgot Alex. MSNBC was the last station she was with unles she jumped ship to CNN?

Few men are killed by the bayonet;many are scared by it.Bayonets should be fixed when the fire fight starts.General George Patton Jr.,War As I Knew It,1947.

Posted By: Jared
Date Posted: June 11 2008 at 4:42pm
Great list kramer. Whatever happend to kathleen? I enjoyed watching cnn hln when she was on.

Posted By: Kramer
Date Posted: June 12 2008 at 1:30am
Kathleen Kennedy left CNN in February 2007, supposedly to spend more time with her children. Since then, I've read plenty of laments that her fans wish she was back on the air.

Who has more fun than people?

Posted By: Kramer
Date Posted: June 20 2008 at 12:28am

In case you needed examples of why Molly Line is No. 6 in my list and rising fast: -
Once you get there, scroll down. It's worth it.

Who has more fun than people?

Posted By: fatmoogas
Date Posted: June 20 2008 at 9:25am
This is my list of the most interesting talking heads to watch from a hair point of view.

1. Sharyn Alfonsi            ABC
2. Paula Middlehurst       SKY
3. Ramia Farrage             CNBC ARABIA/DUBAI ONE
4. Ann Curry                  MSNBC
5. Katie Derham             ITV
6. Robin Meade              CNN
7. Heidi Collins              CNN
8. Kiran Chetry              CNN
9. Anita Mcnaught        FOX
10. Lili Gruber               RAI 1

Posted By: Mike46019
Date Posted: June 20 2008 at 10:53am
Wow Molly that was worth it. Thank you for the link.

Few men are killed by the bayonet;many are scared by it.Bayonets should be fixed when the fire fight starts.General George Patton Jr.,War As I Knew It,1947.

Posted By: fatmoogas
Date Posted: June 20 2008 at 12:32pm
This is Lili Gruber of Italian channel Rai 1. Still looking for a good photo of Ramia Farrage (a true beauty!)

Posted By: Mike46019
Date Posted: June 21 2008 at 12:22am
Nice thank you Fat. She looks like Jacken(spelling) Smith.

Few men are killed by the bayonet;many are scared by it.Bayonets should be fixed when the fire fight starts.General George Patton Jr.,War As I Knew It,1947.

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