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Hot Iron Help

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Category: Curly Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hot Iron Comments & Feedback
Forum Description: Straightening Irons You Love & Hate
Printed Date: March 14 2025 at 7:40am

Topic: Hot Iron Help
Posted By: Halinka
Subject: Hot Iron Help
Date Posted: June 28 2008 at 7:46pm

Hi everyone! My first post, and I don't speak english very well so sorry about the bad grammer!


I renctenly bought a hot iran, I been perming my hair now for about 3 years and now I want it straight. It becomes.... how do I explain my hair poofs out when I try to comb it dry, and the iron does not work it makes little difference. Does anyone have tips to make it completly straight!

Posted By: Lynne Chapman
Date Posted: February 16 2009 at 8:53pm
Are you using smoothing products? - From the shampoo, and conditioner to serums and hair creams. They should all be formulated to help you smooth your hair.
Does your hot iron get hot enough? I used to have a flat iron that did little to straighten my hair. My newer irons work well.
When you use your iron, start at the root area and pull it smoothly and slowly (not too slow) down the length of the hair. Take small sections of hair and be patient. Don't hurry it.

[FONT=Arial][COLOR=BLUE][B]Lynne Chapman[/B][/COLOR][/FONT]

Posted By: jasikazenith
Date Posted: August 19 2010 at 1:33am

Irons are the best tools that can tame even the most unmanageable hair into smooth and straight locks, improper use of the device may lead to serious hair damages,you use this tool but it also affect you hair after a long time it make your hair a dull and lifeless,you must care your hair after a striating and use a best product for your hair.


Posted By: hairguru
Date Posted: August 20 2010 at 11:03am
It sounds like your hair may be very similar to mine.  My hair is not curly, but poofy.  I have found a flat iron that works well with my hair, but it is rather expensive.  I would recommend putting a humidity resistant mousse in your hair before blow drying.  This has helped me tremendously.  Good Luck!

------------- - haircut

Posted By: black&white
Date Posted: August 29 2014 at 8:06am
My daughter has wavy hair and for her last birthday I bought her a Karmin Professional Titanium flat iron.   I am not exactly sure whether or not it works wet to dry but look at their website and read all the details and if you still are not sure contact them through their website and ask any questions.

You English is not bad at all, well done.   I hope this reply helps you.

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