I bought 2 hair extension kits a few weeks ago. One of them was a fusion starter kit, that had everything to learn fusion hair extensions and the other one I bought was a cold fusion (micro link) starter kit, which taught me how to install hair extensions without glue or heat. I must say that they were both amazing and I learned exactly what I needed to know. Plus I wanted to test out their hair quality and it came with practice hair - I loved the texture. The name of the website I shop is: HAIR EXTENSIONS OUTLET and their website is http://www.HairExtensionsOutlet.com - www.HairExtensionsOutlet.com
I just installed a few strands of each in my sister's hair and it is still soft and smooth without tangles. I had tried TEASE hair extensions like someone else had mentioned a few posts back and also experienced tangling with them. I wanted to share my success story with anyone looking to find a cheap way to learn extensions. This is a great route to take by purchasing one of their kits. I like them both and I think knowing both methods will help me attract more clients in my new salon. I have a friend who will be working with me soon and she took classes that she had to fly into California for and stay at a hotel, yada yada...she says that my kits had everything that they gave her and taught her but she spent about $2,5000 learning the trades there. Please, shop around before you take these expensive classes. There are some great kits and learning tools found online ladies : ) I am proof - I now install both methods and I only paid about $120 total and that included all of my tools. Here is a link to the kits if you want to take a peek at them. I have seen a few others online elsewhere too but these seem to be the best bang for the buck. I ordered some more hair from them - I order some in the past and posted a few pictures on here of my 1st install and turned out amazing. I will keep you posted on that too. Best wishes to all newbies...hope you all had a great 4th.
------------- ~ Jessica ~