Osvaldo Freitas is not so much a jack of all trades as he is a master.
Born in Uruguay, Freitas traveled the world to hone his skills and
learn all the cutting-edge trends and techniques in hairstyling. He
moved to the United States in the early 2000’s, where he received
instant recognition for his talents and attention to detail. Now,
Osvaldo Freitas has his own salon in New York City (Osvaldo Freitas
Atelier for Hair) and he specializes in hair extensions and hairpieces,
as well as hairstyles for special events, Japanese Thermal
Reconditioning, and single process color, to name a few.
In this
article, Osvaldo Freitas shares the details about hair extensions, from
what exactly hair extensions are, to how he applies hair extensions, to
who is a good candidate for receiving hair extensions, and more. Read
on to learn all about hair extensions and to find out if you are a good
candidate for getting hair extensions, and if so, to learn what you
should do to prepare yourself for the hair extensions.
Q. Life Love Beauty - What is involved when one gets hair extensions? What process is used?
A. Osvaldo Freitas -
There are various methods in applying hair extensions and I have tried
them all, having worked and studied hair extensions for the last 20
years. In my experience of applying extensions and working with
different products and all over the world, I have found the fusion
technique to be the very best. It's different from traditional
extension application, and far superior. With this technique, I also
use organic products as to not damage the natural hair during removal
and re-application.
Q. Life Love Beauty - Who is a good candidate for hair extensions...?
To read the rest of the article, please see the original post at Life Love Beauty:
http://www.lifelovebeauty.com/beauty/hair/215-all-about-hair-extensions-a-qaa-with-osvaldo-freitas.html - http://www.lifelovebeauty.com/beauty/hair/215-all-about-hair-extensions-a-qaa-with-osvaldo-freitas.html
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Life Love Beauty