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Need some help from the Pro's

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 10:11pm

Topic: Need some help from the Pro's
Posted By: 22 inches
Subject: Need some help from the Pro's
Date Posted: December 05 2008 at 5:40pm
Hi Everyone~

It been so long since Ive been here...I feel like Im catching up with family!

Here is the deal, After having my hair done for the last several years by my hair girl .....who always did fusion on me .....She has just been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She has bigger worries than my hair at the moment, and I dont want to bother her with any of this.....Here is my delemma....I have 22 inch Bohyme hair, that I LOVE. There are very few people here that actually do fusion extentions in my area and all horribly expensive. My hair is getting thin and I need to do something yesterday to add fullness....( I have been putting this off, hoping it was all just a bad dream)

I thought of purchasing Lord & Cliffs 18 inch pre glued and installing them myself with the help of another licenced stylest...not in extensions- but heck, Ive had them so long I know what to do, but I dont like that hair as much as I like the personal preferance, but the attachment method looks very easy......... I also dont like the loss of length...but Im having a hard time figuring out what and where to buy Keritian glue,  either pot or I dunno,  to make my own in the hair I prefer...? and then what tool to purchase to apply after pre-tipping. ( The girl that I have asked to help me is afraid of the hot pot and the time that it may take her to install...Im not worried, Im an old extention hag....but I want her to feel that she has some control)

I guess Im asking you experts...If I wanted to make my own pre-tipped extensions...where do I go to get the supplies I need to pretip, and then a hot Iron to apply...Gosh I hope I have made myself clear...Is this possible? Im looking to make my own I tips~ and then an Iron to install....Thank you hair godesses. I wouldnt feel I could do this without you....xoxo.

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: December 05 2008 at 6:02pm
I would sugggest just using the fusion iron to make your own fusion tips, if you dont want to spend the money for Bohymes pretipped hair (outragous prices for the pretips). I personally think the fusion wand is a much better tool for making your fusion tips or I tips than the glue pot.
I have a little tutorial below for making/installing/removing fusion tips. Its not the best but it should give you the basics -
I like the amber keratin grains the best for pretipping. But there are a few good ones out there that other people like too, I just cant think of hte name of them right now...
As for a fusion iron, I like the Loof irons and that seems to be the most common brand out there. Make sure you get a dual heat (both sides of the iron heat). Temp control is up to you. Most people prefer a temp control wand so that they can adjust the heat. Having said that, you can end up not using the right temp and having problems. The iron with a constant heat/no temp control seems to be the correct temp for most methods and works equally as well.

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Posted By: 22 inches
Date Posted: December 05 2008 at 6:11pm
You're a GOD SEND, I totally get it now!

Really doll, Im ordering....Thanks so much for your continued advice, and for all you do for so many....heck there are handfuls here that are always so wonderful in helping...Its greatly appreciated! ( and in any other forum, I think 22 inches would have been flagged! ) Smile.

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