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colouring extensions to match

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 10:28pm

Topic: colouring extensions to match
Posted By: wrightstar
Subject: colouring extensions to match
Date Posted: December 15 2008 at 3:01pm
Hi I am new here.
I love the website and this forum.
I am an extension fan and have been wearing them for 4 years now.
Recently i had my own hair cut to a slightly graduated bob and have dyed in Plum (more purpley / red).
I got the extensions but needed to dye them to match my newly coloured hair.
I used the same colour on my hair and the extensions but the extensions have come out a much lighter red shade and look completely different.
I cannot put them in like this and need them in by friday night for a ball im going too.
Does anyone know what i can do to get a better match??
Thanks in advance

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