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need advice im desperate and ready to cry

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 10:03pm

Topic: need advice im desperate and ready to cry
Posted By: chez1982
Subject: need advice im desperate and ready to cry
Date Posted: December 27 2008 at 8:24am
hi all im new
need urgent help. had extensions put in not even a week ago and now there crap and falling out. paid 300 for a full head 350 were used, pre bonded natural hair, the salon got them, it looked lovely and silky but next day i woke up with a bush on my head. its dry and feels like dolls hair. i have washed it with the correct shampoo and conditioner and sleep with it in a loose pony tail with a hood on the salon gave me to stop tangles. im ashamed and the girls at work think im crazy for spending so much money. please help me fix my horse hair.  they gave me a brush that is meant to be used , but it pulls them out. i rang the salon they said to brush it more, but i wont have any hair left. i go outside and its got a mind of its own , its just fuzzy. Cry
hope someone can help or give me some tips
thanks chez xx

Posted By: luv_hair
Date Posted: December 30 2008 at 12:57pm

When your new to certain hair extensions, it can be frustrating.  So let me get this right. You shampooed and conditioned your hair before you went to bed?  If so, this is the reason why your hair was tangled together the next morning.  The only reason I know this is because I used the strand by strand method once and made the same mistake.  I had to make an emergency appointment with my hair stylist and she untangled the hair and took out and replaced several or the strands. This mistake cost me about $400, but I learned my lesson.  Good luck!

Posted By: chez1982
Date Posted: December 30 2008 at 1:26pm
no the night i had extensions done they were perfect, when i got home i went to bed and the next moring it was a mess. so i didnt have time to do anythin to it to damage it . i went back to salon and they agreed they were crap. it just kept matting, i had them taken out and full refund. its put me off getting them done again. i didnt do anythin to damage them i think they were well over processed.  i think i may try clip in ones but hair very short though.

Posted By: sassyhair
Date Posted: January 04 2009 at 4:00pm

What hair did they use

Posted By: lacey girl
Date Posted: January 11 2009 at 11:07pm
I'm sorry hun...

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Posted By: SiNfuL GirL
Date Posted: January 14 2009 at 3:15am
WOW that really sucks i'm sorry too chick. I have never had that happen i dont use fusion but i even do my own extensions i use a microring method and they tangle some times but never like that only when i fall asleep on the couch on accident and wake up an hr later after i have rolled around on my hair. I wouldnt be scared to go to a different salon and get them done again if you want extensions just make sure you research the hair first ask to see a profile of pic from other installs they have done. Still that sucks that happened to you i would have had a heart attach thats why no one is allowed to put extensions in my hair but me, however that is a little different lol
good luck with the clip ins or whatever method you choose to use Wink

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