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If toner touches virgin hair...

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Color
Forum Description: The tricks and tribulations of changing your hair color
Printed Date: January 10 2025 at 4:38pm

Topic: If toner touches virgin hair...
Posted By: muppets
Subject: If toner touches virgin hair...
Date Posted: January 01 2009 at 4:01pm
What happens if toner touches virgin hair? I would like to touch up highlights at home and am worried that I won't be able to separate the bleached from virgin hair well enough. 

Will the toner ruin my virgin hair?

Beauty draws us with a single hair.
~Alexander Pope

I'm a kitchen beautician, not a licensed cosmetologist, so please take any advice I give with a grain of salt!

Posted By: julesyjul88
Date Posted: January 01 2009 at 6:20pm
Just toner? Nah,it shouldnt effect the virgin hair much.I wouldnt worry about it.
If it is highlighter you are talking about getting on the virgin hair,it may lighten it some.Just take your time,seperate the hair with clips,and you should be okBig%20smile

Posted By: slatka
Date Posted: January 05 2010 at 10:37pm
My natural hair color is a level 5-6. Its a medium color. When compared to dark hair, it looks light. But compared to a blonde, it's pretty dark. I have really light blonde highlights and EVERY time a stylist used toner on my hair, my natural regrowth turned out so brassy. They would be so orange that I would HAVE to redye them with a darker dye to cover it. I have stopped using toners because of this because I hate always having to redye my hair. I just stick to using blue or violet shampoo to cancel any of the yellow or orange tones my blonde highlights may grab.

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