Thanks for your help but going back to the shop now isn't an option i also paid cash and even stupidly sent my partner down the next day as i'd only taken £230 with me on the day so had to get the rest,
I did think i new this girl somewhat. Its complicated but as ive found shes shut the shop and left her partner in limbo she hasn't paid the rent and the landlord is only next door or the princes trust which is how she was able to open the salon,
Her partner wasn't there the day of my appointment which i thought was odd anyway because its normally busy, But her partner has told me basically she used my money to redo her extensions which is why there was only me in the shop that day,,,
Its very strange because she did mention becoming a mobile hairdresser and she was going to give me her mobile number but never did
I have been to another salon but like an idiot i messed myself and took out the ones at the top of my head which totalled 42!,
I've been adviced that there is a way to put them in which is something like a U-shape around the head but in my hair its random with chunks of hair missed out for no apparent reason,
Most extensions weren't put close to my scalp but over a cm away,
Most are not sealed properly allowing for shamoo/conditioner/stlying products to get into the bond, so will not last,
She did say the hair was good quality (Would be as she wanted them herself)
The blonde was bleech that had gone wrong and told me she should not have put extensions on the bleeched hair,
In some places there is not enough hair to take the weight of the bond, She has only put in around 110 to 120 bonds including the 42 i took from the top and she said for a full head you need around 300,
The list goes on,
She gave me some purple liquid to wash through the blonde to tone it down for me to do at home and its helpt slightly, But i looks alot worse now i have messed taking the ones from the top of my head
Thankfully though one of my friends offered to let me use her clip ins for the day of the wedding so at least i wont let her down.
The lady at the salon said i had a few options either remove them completely or put more extensions in but im undecided as she said she would have to figure away around the bleech to put extensions in and the cost again.
Honestly did think this girl was ok as we chatted alot and my mom used her, Her mom used to sit in the shop with her too, No reason to think she wasn't a lovely girl,
Cant understand it, The shop wasn't huge but always full and busy.
Thanks again for taking the time to respond.