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Would this be tacky?

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 7:05pm

Topic: Would this be tacky?
Posted By: hereisbonnie
Subject: Would this be tacky?
Date Posted: March 27 2009 at 9:32pm
Right now I have great length 18 inch hair extension that we done in a high end salon buy a younger girl.  Its coming close to get them taken out, and I def. want to have them reapplied.  I have gotten pretty friendly with my hair-stylist and want to ask her if maybe she could buy the hair and come on over to my house and put them in.  Im sure it would be cheaper than a toal of $1700, and she could keep the profit.
I don't want to seem shady or cheap but thought it would work out for both of us.
Another option I have been watching lots of vids and researching micro-locks.  I want to ask a girlfriend to apply hair I buy offline.
Advice please!

Posted By: frenchie1
Date Posted: March 30 2009 at 7:09am
I don't think it would be necessarily tacky, I guess it depends on the relationship you have with this stylist and her work obligations.
You can always try, if she says no for personal reasons, then at least you have tried. You can still go back to the salon and have your extensions taken care of there anyway.
For the dIY option, I'd say give yourself or your friend some time to figure things out, it takes some practice to learn a method, it doesn't mean it's impossible at all, it is just that maybe you want her to practice on a head -sorry I don't have the word for this, I mean the manequin head used by stylists to practice- before she starts on you.
There are plenty of easy DIY method if you want to go that route, such as the tape method, or Liquid Gold, or some fusion as well.
If you're taking this direction, spend a lot of time reading and researching online, there is a tremendous amount of info online if you only take the time.
Good luck

Posted By: chikchik
Date Posted: April 14 2009 at 3:00am
Hairdressers clients are not their friends .   Doesn't hurt to ask her but going to someones house is a lot more out of the way than a salon visit.   I always charge more for home visits.  Personally I think it is weird and defiantly the relationship would be different from then on.  

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