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HELP! What Glue do you use for Prebonding?

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 7:09pm

Topic: HELP! What Glue do you use for Prebonding?
Posted By: MissAlanna
Subject: HELP! What Glue do you use for Prebonding?
Date Posted: March 30 2009 at 5:50pm
Hi I was wondering If besides using liquid gold and hair glue sticks what else can I use to bond The hair for pre tips?  I heard gorilla glue.... But I was wondering if super glue, nail glue or regular glue sticks could work?  I have Liquid gold and I have shrinkies so I would only need a glue to hold the hair together? Please HelP!
Trying to save a lil money!

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Posted By: debrann
Date Posted: April 06 2009 at 3:40pm
Did you get any suggestions? 

*Gulp* Exclamation Gorillia Glue?  Yikes!  I couldn't imagine! 

I, too am trying to find the name of the glue that Julia (Extensions by Julia) refers to in her 'how to' video clips.


Posted By: studiogal
Date Posted: April 06 2009 at 7:19pm
keratin glue, aka amber glue pellets & chips are best for tipping.

I've used this company's keratin glue: -
It's a really good price for keratin, IMO. They also have the fusion wand there for an excellent price.

Also, you use the nail glue to coat the tips after making your i-tips (for links, etc) to keep the keratin glue from melting under shrinkies.

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