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Shedding issue - advice needed

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 7:23pm

Topic: Shedding issue - advice needed
Posted By: sammyJB
Subject: Shedding issue - advice needed
Date Posted: April 01 2009 at 8:41am
Hi guys,

Just wondered if any of you could help.

One of my clients is suffering with shedding quite badly. I've already called her back in to reseal the bonds yet the problem is continuing.

None of my other clients are having the same problem as I've been quick to enquire. It seems that each time she brushes it, she is losing a fair amount.

She does have excessively thick hair, I mean 'thick thick'. Could it be due to the amount of hair she has in and nothing more?

I'd really appreciate some advice as her bonds her well and truly sealed, the hair is expensive and of high quality so I'm out of ideas!

Thanks guys. xx

Posted By: Samantha_Jane
Date Posted: April 01 2009 at 1:36pm
Did you tip it yourself?
I have had this before, but her next install was fine so I just put it down to a bad batch of hair from my supplier.
Have you asked her how much she is washing it or used conditioner on the bonds? :-)

Posted By: asinnamon
Date Posted: April 02 2009 at 8:58am
How long has she had the install in?  There can be alot of 'trapped' hair in each strand that isn't actually attached to the bond.  I found most places don't 'clean' out that hair before packaging.  This would mean a significant amount of shedding right off the bat, but it should clear up in a week or two as the hair gets washed and brushed.
Ofcourse there can always be issues with proper bond saturation, products used, perception...


Posted By: krimsa
Date Posted: April 04 2009 at 7:56am
As someone else mentioned, you might want to get a very clear picture of her care routine as well. Is this her first time wearing extensions? Many people seem to assume they are exactly like hair growing from their scalp which is not true of course. Ask her what products she is using, how often is she washing and conditioning her hair and is she getting gummy conditioner all up in the bond area? Also she might be brushing too vigorously and she needs to be holding the hair while she brushes so all the tension is not pulling the bond. This is the reason I opted for a sew in. It’s one strip rather than a bunch of annoying little bonds.

Posted By: sammyJB
Date Posted: April 06 2009 at 5:13pm
Thanks guys.

I've asked her and she simply says that is comes out every time she brushes it! That's as far as I've got!

She's had extensions for sometime so they're not new to her.

I intend to find out more tomorrow so I'll report back.

Thanks for your help.

Posted By: krimsa
Date Posted: April 06 2009 at 5:20pm
It might be how she is brushing if that is the time she loses them. Make sure shes holding the hair. Also, if shes wearing a TON of bonds, she is more likely to lose some. Its possible that she simply has too many in and her hair cant handle the weight.

Posted By: asinnamon
Date Posted: April 06 2009 at 6:19pm
Originally posted by sammyJB sammyJB wrote:

Thanks guys.

I've asked her and she simply says that is comes out every time she brushes it! That's as far as I've got!

She's had extensions for sometime so they're not new to her.

I intend to find out more tomorrow so I'll report back.

Thanks for your help.
I'll be interested to hear what her responses are.  Don't you love it when the client doesn't give you all the info!! Smile

Posted By: krimsa
Date Posted: April 06 2009 at 6:44pm
I find it curious that this specific client is having so much shedding but you claim that no one else is? But you also said that her install was quite thick. Thats probably the problem. She just has too many bonds in.

Posted By: sammyJB
Date Posted: April 11 2009 at 4:11pm
Originally posted by krimsa krimsa wrote:

I find it curious that this specific client is having so much shedding but you claim that no one else is? But you also said that her install was quite thick. Thats probably the problem. She just has too many bonds in.

My point exactly.

I saw one of my clients today who had an install 5 weeks ago today. Her hair looks the same as the day we did it and she said that she'd barely shed at all - just like our other clients.

Can any of you recommend a good glue? It might be worth having an alternative for problems such as these. I'm happy to try another glue on her to see if that might work!

We use long glue sticks so any recommendations much appreciated...

Posted By: krimsa
Date Posted: April 16 2009 at 9:22am
I would try a sew in weave on her if shes losing too many bonds and she wants a LOT of hair installed. That way the hair is sewn to her head and it wont be going anywhere.

Posted By: asinnamon
Date Posted: April 16 2009 at 8:50pm

sammy, any word from your client?  You meant shedding right, not losing entire bonds?

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