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which hair for clip ins

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 7:27am

Topic: which hair for clip ins
Posted By: sackpac
Subject: which hair for clip ins
Date Posted: April 01 2009 at 7:19pm
Hi, I would like to get clip ins but was wondering what the best type of hair to use for the most natural, longest lasting clipins? Any suggestions on websites or companies that are reputable? Thanks much.

Posted By: _Princess_
Date Posted: April 02 2009 at 11:02am
I think it depends on the hair. I've made my own clip-ins with hair that matches my own hair and they're still going strong.  And mine have been made with synthetic hair since I can't afford that expensive stuff, but its still natural looking and a dead match for my hair.

If you know what hair you like or that matches your own texture you can get that and make your own.  I do know a few companies make clip-ins, but they can be rather pricey IMO, but you can always do searches for them.  I know Sally makes their own, alot of ladies love Boyhme.


Posted By: sackpac
Date Posted: April 03 2009 at 1:25am
Thanks for your reply, I have baby fine strait dark blonde hair. I'm looking for some clips ins that have some dark blonde, lt. blonde mix. I would like real hair and realize it will be expensive but I'm hoping it will be a one time investment. Would love to know some good companies to go through for clip ins or someone who I can buy high quality hair from and make my own. Thank much.

Posted By: Asthurmond
Date Posted: April 09 2009 at 11:06am

Can anyone please help?? I just bought some Satin Strands hair in Malibu from Sally's and I bought it becuase I wanted to be able to make some clip-ins. I am lost. I have this pack of hair that is one LONG piece. it seems really thin also. I have long blonde hair normally and I just wanted it to be a little longer. How many strands should I use to make one clip-in? HOw long should each stand be? What is the best kind of clip to sewn on to them?/ Please Help?/

Posted By: _Princess_
Date Posted: April 09 2009 at 7:24pm
The hair you bought is it on a weft? I know nothing about Satin Strands hair.

When I make my clip-ins, I used this - Clip-In Tutorial

Hope this helps


Posted By: _Princess_
Date Posted: April 09 2009 at 7:25pm
I also use the same clips that are shown in the tutorial, you can find them @ Sallys or even order from that same site


Posted By: MichaelaR
Date Posted: April 30 2010 at 10:04am
I bought my hair extensions from, they have lasted a long long time and look beautiful :) i baught this set.. hope this helps
Michaela x


Posted By: HABEEB
Date Posted: May 12 2010 at 9:53am
go for a grade AAA (which is Remi quality) or Remi hair. i got mine from buy hair or something like that, they were awsome!
Habs x

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