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Need help: Premium Plus- FRIZZZY WEAVE!!

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 7:13pm

Topic: Need help: Premium Plus- FRIZZZY WEAVE!!
Posted By: allenglishboy
Subject: Need help: Premium Plus- FRIZZZY WEAVE!!
Date Posted: April 18 2009 at 2:53pm
Im using my brithers account.
I got a weave with premium plus 1b 30 about two weeks ago it looked fine the first 3 days and now it has gone really frizzy. . I have tried washing it and it still looks frizzy. I have to comb it all the time , within half an hour after being combed it will look extrememly frizzy again.  I have flat ironed it and it looks fine after being flat ironed but wthin minutes its frizzy again
1.DOes anyone have any suggestions of how i can stop the frizz?
2. Can anyonesuggest any good brands of weave that dont frizz?
i need all the help i can get this weave is too expensive to only last two weeks

Posted By: _Princess_
Date Posted: April 19 2009 at 11:57am
Are you talking about Sensationnel Premium Plus hair? I've used that brand one time, curly and it was horrible once the hair got wet...

But anyway, have you tried using any anti-frizz hair products on it?

Stay away from Milky Way (BSS) I've heard nothing but bad things about them.  I've heard good things about Goddess Remi by Sensationnel and Bohyme.

Or you could try high-quality hair, on the pricey side, but I've heard it was worth it: - Extensions Plus - Nature Girl - Indian Hairs - Wagman

Hope this helps


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