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hair extension situation ADVICE please

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 4:15pm

Topic: hair extension situation ADVICE please
Posted By: chikchik
Subject: hair extension situation ADVICE please
Date Posted: April 22 2009 at 2:51am
I work in a booth rental salon.  I have a fellow stylist ask me how much I would charge her for some fusion extensions.   She said she only needs a couple.  I quoted her a discount price.   The following week she comes by and asks me if I had time to do her customers’ hair extensions, I agreed.   The customer comes in and I do a consultation.   She shoes me a picture resembling Victoria Becams short hair with the long front, a stile we all am familiar with.   That was the look she wanted.   Being that she had only half an inch to an inch bangs (pixie cut) still wanted that look.  I proceeded to apply the necessary extensions to complete the look.  I finished and cut and styled the extensions.   She loved it.  When we got to payment I told her it was going to be 200 for today’s services.   She said ooh my hairdresser said it was only going to cost 75.00.   I was confused and explained to her I charge per individual extension so that is how I came up with her price.  Nodding her head, She said “ok she was going to talk to her stylist and ask her why she quoted her the 75.00”.  I agreed and continued to check her out.  About 2 hours later I get a text from the stylist  saying that she was so embarrassed and disappointed.   “You told me you would only charge my customer 75.00 for a few extensions and you charged her 200.   You need to give her 80% of her money back you thief.   I will never send you any customers your way again!”  End quote..   
                I replied..”  I can’t believe you can call me a thief.  I quoted you a discounted price not your customer.  I didn’t do 75.00 worth of extensions and charge her 200.  I did 200 worth.  That’s what she and I agreed on.  She had a picture and explained to me what she wanted.  It was not a few extensions it was a lot!  So please get you’re facts straight before you start accusing me of any wrong doing!”
               What do you think of the situation?  Am I in the wrong or right?   I feel I did nothing wrong here.  I would like some impute in this matter.

Posted By: TanglesRC
Date Posted: April 22 2009 at 12:47pm
well as a professional my question is didnt u tell the client BEFORE you did the work the cost and Exactly how u were going to do it?
my opinion is this.
first off it is Vital that each client that sits in my chair knows exactly what i am doing and the cost before i do any work. it is for their benifit as well as mine.
secondly- i wouldnt want anyone espicially a stylist i work with calling me a thief, that will Ruin your reputation completly.
this industry is large,  however small when it comes to info being shared, and word travels fast.
if u didnt tell the client the costs up front, which sounds like you obviously didnt, then chalk it up to a lesson learned and give the client back some money after you Apologize for your mistake.
just how many strands did u put in?

Bringing beauty, one head at a time...

Posted By: chikchik
Date Posted: April 23 2009 at 12:32am
I offered the customer the difference of the money back.  She said No.   "you did the work and if I got 200 worth of extensions then I will pay for 200 worth.  The hair dresser is the one I am having a problem.   I tried to get together and talk to the other hair dresser but she blew me off.   SO! I wash my hands of all this drama!    She will never get any help from me ever again!

Posted By: TanglesRC
Date Posted: April 24 2009 at 1:55pm
that is too bad you two cant work things out, she can cause more damage for you then its worth,
personally i would try very hard to smooth things out between the two of you, be the bigger person and go the extra mile. She obviously tried to help you by refering you the client, did you give her a referral fee?

Bringing beauty, one head at a time...

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