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Bohyme - Color Chart - #12 vs. #14?

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Topic: Bohyme - Color Chart - #12 vs. #14?
Posted By: virgo
Subject: Bohyme - Color Chart - #12 vs. #14?
Date Posted: June 28 2009 at 9:13pm
Where can I find a good color chart for Bohyme Hair?  One that has both pictures and color names?
My hair is a dark honey-golden blonde, but I was thinking that #12 (Light Golden Brown), might be the best choice.  I looked at some hair swatches for EuroNext at Sally Beauty, and in that brand, #12 was pretty close to the darker/underneath parts of my hair.  I wonder if it wouldn't be easier to match to the darker tones in my hair, than to try to match the lights.

Then I looked at EbonyLine's color chart, and #14 looked as though it might be better.  (I think #16 is probably too light.)  But they list the colors only by number, so I don't know if these are golden shades or or more ash/cool.
It's hard to tell which would be closest to #12, but maybe 1/2 to 1 shade lighter?

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: June 30 2009 at 6:21am
There are a bunch of Bohyme color ring pictures here: -
The #12 & #14 arent much different in shade. In the pictures they look a little different but in person the shade is almost the same for both on the color ring, but the tone is different. I think the #14 is a little warmer toned than the #12. Both have gold tones. #16 is definitely blonde.
Its really difficult to get a completely accurate idea of colors on a monitor. The best idea may be to puchase a color ring.

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Posted By: virgo
Date Posted: July 06 2009 at 3:02pm
Thanks, Sherrie!   What about #14b?  It looks as though maybe it's the same color as #14, but a shade lighter?

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: July 06 2009 at 8:56pm
#14B is a little lighter than the 14, I would call it a dark blonde or a very very light brown. A very nice color too!

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