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human hair extension clip in REMY

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 4:21pm

Topic: human hair extension clip in REMY
Posted By: nasirijha
Subject: human hair extension clip in REMY
Date Posted: July 03 2009 at 8:11am


I am wrriting for you because I have advantageous offer. I sell human hair extension clip in.
My 100% Remy European Human Hair extensions are meticulously crafted using the highest quality Remy human hair.
All of my extensions are custom made, by hand, in the sequence of orders placed.  I deliver unparalleled quality
in a distinctive selection of lengths and salon inspired colors.
There are many hair extensions on the market that claim to be 100% human hair but are in fact mixed with animal
hair or synthetic fiber.  Our hair extensions are guarenteed to be 100% Remy human hair.
Treat the extensions like your own hair.  Curl, straighten, blow dry, even color.
I am from Poland and I distribute this hair to several countries. I sell 50 gram for 55$. I think that this is the cheapest prise. Photo in Enclosure
I wait for contact email -

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