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Wawa not curling wCaruso Steam Rollers ???

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 4:34pm

Topic: Wawa not curling wCaruso Steam Rollers ???
Posted By: DharmaType
Subject: Wawa not curling wCaruso Steam Rollers ???
Date Posted: July 04 2009 at 12:50pm

Hi ladies, I'm so FRUSTRATED b/c I cant get my wawa to curl w/these darn Caruso steam rollers!   I just bought them and am experimenting; I wet my hair 1st, (as I always do when curling this thermo w/a heat tool),  then steamed the rollers and applied--  I just took them out and no curl...

Is there a trick w/these that i'm missing ?????
Thanks, girls !  Tongue

Posted By: DharmaType
Date Posted: July 04 2009 at 2:30pm
Hola, i just wanted to add an afterthought i had:
I kept the rollers in about 1/2 hr before I removed them-  Is that my problem?   Wondering if I shouldve kept them in longer until the wawa completely dried ? .........

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: July 04 2009 at 3:28pm
thats long as the hair was cool when unwrapped the rollers were in long enough.
I dont recall if I ever tried my steam rollers on wawa. I have never been able to get nice uniform & consistant curls from the steam I stick with my curling iron. I had no problems curling wawa with an iron.
Wonder if the steam rollers hold enough heat  to heat up the synthetic hair enough to curl it? Maybe try the steam roller on dry hair.

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Posted By: DharmaType
Date Posted: July 05 2009 at 10:01am

Posted By: DharmaType
Date Posted: July 05 2009 at 10:04am
whoops, i think i doinked up my previous reply   :o)
Sherrie, can I ask you previously when you would apply velcro rollers and then steam the wawa, did you wet the hair first before applying the rollers?
(i did try the carusos this morning on dry hair w/no curled result; so i'm agreeing that the caruso steam rollers must not be hot enough to produce a curl w/this stuff)--
I'm also thinking about using electric rollers on them & am wondering if i should wet the hair first  ? ?

Posted By: Nuclear Doll
Date Posted: July 05 2009 at 4:23pm
Originally posted by DharmaType DharmaType wrote:

Wondering if I shouldve kept them in longer until the wawa completely dried ? .........

YES! ^_^

------------- - Nuclear Doll

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: July 05 2009 at 10:29pm
Its been a long time since I wore wawa, so I am trying to remember...Confused
I believe that I used the velcro rollers and on dry hair and used the steam from the caruso steamer....but I cant remember exactly.
But, I do know that I had the best luck with my curling iron and I curled the hair quite wet. I clipped the curls with duckbills until cool. When I removed the clips the hair was still wet and took curl very well.
Wawa should not need to be dry, unlike human hair that the curl will fall out when wet. Wawa once curled should hold its curl through shampoos. I only had to curl wawa hair once or twice a week and it kept the curl through washings.

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