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Vitamins + Body Hair

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Food For Hair
Forum Description: Supporting Beautiful Hair w/Food & Nutrients
Printed Date: March 11 2025 at 6:20am

Topic: Vitamins + Body Hair
Posted By: VintageDiva
Subject: Vitamins + Body Hair
Date Posted: July 09 2009 at 8:45am
Stupid question - but, does taking the hair vitamins and biotin etc work on just your scalp hair, or all the hair on your body?

Posted By: jailynstanton
Date Posted: September 27 2010 at 5:28am
hair vitamin and biotin works only on your scalp not your whole body

Posted By: arikarora
Date Posted: August 05 2011 at 7:46pm
This is one of the most common misconceptions about hair vitamins.  Many people worry that if they take hair vitamins hair on their face, arms, legs or underarms will grow.  This is not true.  I have been taking the HairTopia vitamins for a long time.  It is great for my hair but I have not noticed any other hair growth on the rest of my body.  So don't worry.  

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