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Proclaim hair glue=eeekkkk!!!!

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 1:23pm

Topic: Proclaim hair glue=eeekkkk!!!!
Posted By: divinediva
Subject: Proclaim hair glue=eeekkkk!!!!
Date Posted: August 12 2009 at 2:44pm
I know it has been said numerous times before but proclaim bond a weave hair glue really does suck-like majorly!!!!.  I ran out of liquid gold hair glue on my last weft install so for the last few rows I used some proclaim I had lying around-I hear you all gasp in horror.  Ive had bad experiences in the past with proclaim but over time I have blocked out the trauma only to re-live it this evening when removing my wefts.  Even though I used the proper remover it was so stubborn to come out and has left alot of greasy gloopy residue....NEVER AGAIN.  The moral of this story is-Do not use this damn stuff, you will regreet it!!!!!.

It doesn't have to be natural to be fabulous!!!/

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: August 17 2009 at 8:46pm
Been there done that! Hope you recover from the truama quickly...LOL

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Posted By: babygirl720
Date Posted: August 31 2009 at 9:28am

I feel your pain! Many times I have ran out of LG, and resorted to the proclaim instead. My friend instisted on an install yesterday and I told her it was going to be a bitch to get out and that she should wait for me to order the LG... but she will learn!! LOL

I'm selfish, impatient, & a little insecure, I make mistakes, I am out of control, & at times, hard to handle. But if you cant handle me at my worst, then you sure as HELL dont deserve me at my best

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