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Long Flowing Hair! Help me and Join me!

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Forum Description: Find others that share your interests in hair.
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Topic: Long Flowing Hair! Help me and Join me!
Posted By: JulaBean
Subject: Long Flowing Hair! Help me and Join me!
Date Posted: August 18 2009 at 11:57am
Hey my name is Julia and I am new here!
Do you want to join me in my goal to loooong hair?
I have always loved long hair, and had it not too long ago. but a rescent bad salon job has my hair fried beyond repair and I am starting straight from scratch, my roots. So i have descided to go totally natural with my hair for atleast a year. My natural hair color is dark brown and the dye job is blondish brown so i can clearly see my roots. My hair now looks like a fried Frizzy mullet, I had it cut so short because of the breaking ends. My hair is naturally pretty thick so atleast i love my roots...  Broken%20Heart
So heres my plan for the next year:
Take msm and vitamins, drink alot of water, eat right and excersise. AND of coarse no more dyeing my hair or adding heat, just an ugly pony tail or gelled up.
And in one year HOPEFULLY my hair will have grown atleast 8 inches and i can cut off all the frizzy odd colored hair and jsut have my all natural color and hair.
How do you think my plan will work???
Does anyone have any storie theyd share with me???
Or advise???
If your hair is very long, how long did it take and did you use any speacial tricks?

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: August 19 2009 at 7:31pm
Hi JulaBean, id be more than happy to join u on ur journey. it sounds like u have a great plan in place and id love to see u get ur hair very long. I think ur plan will work and as for advice id say drink lots of water and take some good hair vitamins like biotin and such and id say to aim really long like lower back or waist length. thatd look great on u :)
My personal story is ive always had very short hair and i started growing it out in january in hopes of having really long mid back length hair :) what do u think?

Posted By: JulaBean
Date Posted: August 26 2009 at 6:13pm

Posted By: JulaBean
Date Posted: August 26 2009 at 6:24pm
Thats my hair before and after it was fried.  It was around bra stap length when it was straight but now its short choppy frizz so im going to have it trimmed every 2 months until the dead hair is off.  hopefully in the next year it will be 8 inches of all natural thick hair!!  It has already grown an inch in the past 2 months but THATS SLOW to me!! errr i wanna just destroy that bitches salon :( i worked hard for my hair and she just tells me "im not worried about it falling out im worried about the color" when i told her i was worried... well it broke off 7 inches so here i go back to scratch.  
It just sucks because ive been fat and pregnant for the past year and now my hair is gone and i have to wait ANOTHER year to feel like me again.

Posted By: JulaBean
Date Posted: August 27 2009 at 11:27am
Originally posted by Pburgh56 Pburgh56 wrote:

Hi JulaBean, id be more than happy to join u on ur journey. it sounds like u have a great plan in place and id love to see u get ur hair very long. I think ur plan will work and as for advice id say drink lots of water and take some good hair vitamins like biotin and such and id say to aim really long like lower back or waist length. thatd look great on u :)
My personal story is ive always had very short hair and i started growing it out in january in hopes of having really long mid back length hair :) what do u think?
i think that your hair would look pretty long! how long is it now?
im starting from about 2 inches of length of healthy hair, the dead hair just isnt there in my mind hah Smile but now that im not in shock that my hair is gone im really motivated to keep it as healthy as possible.
I cant wait to see how long your hair will be in a year also. I'm sure we can do it! and thanks for the good advice!

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: August 27 2009 at 4:39pm
Awww thanks I hope my hair looks really good long too . not too many guys do it so i hope it turns out well :(Awwww im sry u have such short hair now but im sure itll look great as u continue to let it grow and  a nice long head of healthy hair will be there for u :) Thanks im anxious to see how long my hair gets as well and im anxiuos to see how ur hair goes.  do u want to send eachother progress stuff along the way and be growth partners?

Posted By: JulaBean
Date Posted: September 15 2009 at 12:43pm


I WILL HAVE PICS SOON!!! i just need AAA bateries lol.
Here i go again... Approve
we should definately be hair growth partners! ill send pics and you can send me pics. yes im anxious too and SO VERY IMPATIANT!
I have a black light and ive noticed only the regrowth glows because it is not dyed. (my teeth and eyes glow too haha!), so i will be measuring with that haha! thats pretty cool.
My goal is in 10 years to have my hair to my knees and in 3 years please please please hair grow to my waist line!
whackybut still i go crazy sometimes! 5 YEARS OF GROWTH DOWN THE POOPER and my pregnancy had my hair so thick and beautiful.....     CryCryCryCry boohoo. if i coulf pause the world ide beat the "profesional" who  DIED my hair with my skate board. Ouch lol
OK so back to being serious. I have bought a fake hair piece the color of my roots  because i got tired of wearing my hair in a frizzy bun and it looks so cute! it actually looks real. pretty good for KMART at 15 dollars. Big%20smile
but i have also been straighting it halloween1because if im jsut going to have it all cut off eventually then why not make it half way descent.
I also need a trim badly because its sarting to break alot alot again but thats my fault. o well Smile 
I have bought MSM finally on the first of this month and my hair has only grown a quarter of an inch in 15 days. i was really hopeing for a half an inch by now but MILK AND WATER ARE KEY and ive been lazy in that area Embarrassed tehe.
my aunt has hair almost to her waist, she drinks 8 GLASSES OF MILK A DAY, water and milk will help anyone looking to grow hair faster.

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: September 18 2009 at 8:07am
Sounds great :) We will def be hair buddies. Itll be alot of fun. I def think within 3 years urs will be to ur waist. I really hope I can get mine that long too :) Then knee length will be amazing for u too. When do u want to send eachother pics? Like once a month or how should we do this :) ? Thanks

Posted By: justgabby
Date Posted: November 23 2009 at 10:07am
If you're trying to grow your hair, forget the old tip that you should have the ends trimmed regularly. Wait at least three months before doing so. Hair seems to grow quicker this way and long hair results!


Posted By: whytopersist
Date Posted: August 29 2011 at 10:44pm
It's my first time to come here. Haha.

Nice to meet everybody.I learn from my friends that this forum is very interesting. - -

Posted By: linda009
Date Posted: September 02 2011 at 6:07am
JulaBean you can do one thing to meet a better Skin consultant and take the guidance about some product which grows hair so earlier and then you can go to a good saloon where you can find a good hair style with long to short hair.

It will take some time to grow up your hair but 4 times faster than original.


Posted By: james19
Date Posted: September 02 2011 at 9:44pm
I guess Linda09 has suggested a great answer.


Posted By: linda009
Date Posted: September 02 2011 at 11:08pm
Thanks James to support me.


Posted By: karengriffin
Date Posted: November 17 2011 at 10:28am
Aw...I feel bad for you. But condition your hair well and keep the moisture treatment going. Be patient, it will grow:) Be careful about subjecting your hair to more chemicals

Posted By: Sparrowhawk1161
Date Posted: December 20 2011 at 12:27am
HI Julea.  I'm a guy who loves long hair.  You want it long, I'll help you.  First, do you remember when you young how long your hair could be.  If it cut... it's irrelevent... but for some, they can say, "I had pigtails,"  It's important.
From what i was able to see you have been able to grow your hair medium length only.  But your look for some thing you can take your fingers back behind your back and grab ssome locks... right?
Waist length?
Listen and I will help you find the longest hair you can get. But you must work for just doesn't come that easy?  OK.
THe scalp must be messaged to allow blood to flow... and you musy exercise to get it... make you body move... and message the scalp.. why... the scalp has blood in it... and that blood nurtures the hair filaments.
Hair falimants.. they are funyy...very weird.  You must understand something you don't wan to know.  Each hair strand is made up of DEAD tissue.
That's right.
DEAD tissue.  Why do condition it?  Why does your scalp put out oils?  THe are dead tissues.  And it's the stuff in your scalp that seals it...keeps moisture in and m,akes it so shiny...
But, it's dead, girl.
The only spot in your scalp that has live tissue is in the scalp you have as it's grown.  Another gfrows in it's place... and the ols on dies... but is held by protein.
Yes, the girls saving grace for her hair... protein.
It doesn't matter if you are a guy or a girl... once the living cell is formed another, underneath will find it and push it out.  So all those lovely strands you covet... are dead.
Poof... that's itCry

Guys like me notice!

Posted By: Sparrowhawk1161
Date Posted: December 20 2011 at 12:38am
OK.  Stop shoating... shhh...
It's better than you think.
Your hair will grow... and grow... to it's natural growth cycle.
Growth cycles
Sorry about growth cycles... but they are there
And, you can do nothing about it.
Every single hair on your head grows to a point and stops... that's it.  If it grows 6 inches... that's it... if it grows 18 inches... that's it... it stops.  Every girls enemy.  The stopping pint of your hair...
Some hairs only grow so long... maybe 9 inches around face... or 18 inches or more down your back... or if you are young and wondering about guys... like some bird of prey, these girls might have hair 24 inches down or more to there waste and you jusat envy them.
It's up to the scalp you have... young ladies?  You can proabably wisk away in a few months a waist length of hair.  Older ladies... shoulder length, any more.  It is all up to the scal;p and how much blood can get up there to create those hair cells.
So what can you grow?Wink

Guys like me notice!

Posted By: Sparrowhawk1161
Date Posted: December 20 2011 at 12:47am
It depends on the growth cycle.  Growth cycle goes like this.  Individual goes campid and gets as long as it can.
During the winter... during dry days... you brush your hair and it sticks up... but not at the bottom.. but all over... that is all those hairs that are working on getting long.  This doesn't happen all at the same time.
This how it happens.  Long hair, great hair...and, what...what it's in the brush Fit time.  You yell and scream and throw the brush across the room asnd destroy anything in your path.
Calm down... that particular hair... grew as long as it could.  ANd is now inthe brush.  YOu sewe.  when that hair... lost itself to the brush... a diabolical hair... was scimming upward, saw the old hair and said, "You are history, it's my turn to shime."  So that hair in brush was being taken out by your head by your own scalp by a fresh new hair... which says... I am growing asnd nothiong is stopping me.
So, girls stop killing the brush... every long hair has new one just waiting to do some fast things... and you will never know it was gone.
THis is how hair grows.
Sop, you wonder how you might get your back... this is it!

Guys like me notice!

Posted By: Sparrowhawk1161
Date Posted: December 20 2011 at 12:49am
If you want tips on how to keep hair looking very long, but beautiful, prefessional... and all that stuff... just ask...

Guys like me notice!

Posted By: fadrickstar
Date Posted: December 24 2011 at 8:07am
Hi Julia,

How is your journey going?  I would love to join you.

What is going on what your hair at this point?  Please share with all of us.

Posted By: teresimpson
Date Posted: April 25 2014 at 3:39am
Awwww... I'm with you Julia! Try using alcohol-free and sulfate-free shampoos. I use very special shampoo, conditioner and oils. All the products I use are made with high concentrations of Moroccan argan oil. no frizz, no dryness. Just healthy, salon-like shine and smoothness. 

Posted By: jennififer
Date Posted: May 28 2014 at 7:54pm
Curious to see where your journey has taken you to this point Julia?  Please give us an update.

Posted By: YellowDaffodils
Date Posted: June 13 2014 at 1:20pm
You look beautiful I think your hair will look great whatever length. You would look even more beautiful with loonng flowing luxurious hair

Posted By: allen john
Date Posted: September 19 2014 at 6:52am
tell me any home remedy how to solve the problem of hair breakage?? I am really worried about it!Confused

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: September 19 2014 at 8:32am
Hi Allen,

Could you share more about the breakage problems you are referring to?  Do you have long hair which is breaking off?  Have you changed something about your hair lately?

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

Posted By: allen john
Date Posted: October 02 2014 at 12:30pm
I use alcohol-free and sulfate-free shampoos. I use very special shampoo, conditioner and oils. All the products I use are made with high concentrations of Moroccan argan oil. no frizz, no dryness.

I prefer to use just healthy, salon-like shine and smoothness.

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