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pics of my hair

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support.
Printed Date: June 26 2024 at 7:06am

Topic: pics of my hair
Posted By: Lickalime
Subject: pics of my hair
Date Posted: August 30 2009 at 9:10am
here are a few pictures of my hair.  they are the best shots/angles and I'm not too sure it really shows my length.  it's kinda hard to take pictures of the back of your head and your backside


I am at 32"
~goal length 36"

Posted By: Lickalime
Date Posted: August 30 2009 at 9:13am

I am at 32"
~goal length 36"

Posted By: Lickalime
Date Posted: August 30 2009 at 9:15am
sorry it's so grainy.  I took this with my phone Stern%20Smile

I am at 32"
~goal length 36"

Posted By: Lickalime
Date Posted: August 30 2009 at 9:17am

I am at 32"
~goal length 36"

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: August 30 2009 at 10:53am
Very nice! How long are you wanting to go?

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: August 30 2009 at 4:54pm
Lickalime all i can say is WOW :) You have amazingly gorgeous hair. the length, thickness, color, everything is absolutely stunning. Even tho im a guy im trying to grow my hair out to lower back length around where yours is. any advice? Also do u think ud go longer than ur goal of 36 inches and what ways do u style ur hair with it being that long?

Posted By: Lickalime
Date Posted: August 30 2009 at 8:05pm
thanks Alisa!  I'm thinking about going to my waist or tailbone.  not sure yet.  I know I am about 3 inches from my waist and about 6 inches from the tailbone (I think I need to update my signature)

thank you Pburgh.  the color is a bit off.  I haven't colored in a while

my advice would be to be patient, eat healthy, take vitamins, drink water, massage your scalp daily, cut back on chemicals and heat

I may go longer than my goal.  I'm not sure yet.  some days I would love to go longer and some days I think about cutting it (I'm not going to.  TRUST me!!)
I don't really do much to my hair.  I use conditioner as a leave-in (right now I am using Aussie Three Minute Miracle) and I air dry.  most days I wear my hair down.  sometimes I wear a pony or a messy braid.  I have never been that great with actually styling my hair, so down it is

I am at 32"
~goal length 36"

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: August 30 2009 at 8:57pm
Waist or tailbone would be great for u i think it would look amazing and u honestly would look great longer as well :)the color is cute tho too. thanks soo much for the advice as well. do u think lower back is too long for a guy and how should i style it?
Ur styling sounds great :) ill have to try so e of that aussie stuff. do u ever try buns and how long is ur ponytail? u should take a pic :)

Posted By: Alisa06
Date Posted: August 30 2009 at 9:50pm
I really like the aussie line. I have been using it for quite some time now, though I have never tried the leave-in-thing, I might have to do that. I am going for my tailbone also. I don't want to sit on itErmm ! LOL. What color is your highlights? It is kind of hard to tell from you pics. I like the color, though, it looks really rich.

2c-3a ciii
I want my hair back!!!

Posted By: Lickalime
Date Posted: August 30 2009 at 10:47pm
I really hope my hair can/does grow longer.  I have a feeling my hair is nearing my terminal length.  some days I feel like my hair hasn't grown in forever
I am probably not the best person to ask for advice on men with long hair.  I am not a huge fan of men sporting long hair.  don't get me wrong some men can totally pull it off.  maybe if more men came on this site and actually got advice on how to make their long hair look good I'd like long hair on men more (does that sound rude?  I'm sorry if it does)
I do buns sometimes.  usually for weddings.  I don't know how long my pony is.  I'll have to take a pic some time soon

Aussie is really nice.  the smell is amazing too!
my color is way off in both pictures, but thanks for the compliment.  I took them with different cameras and lighting.  my "highlights" are gold(ish) brown.  my color is really faded.  I had accomplished something huge last year where I got my hair to one color and I had pretty much gotten rid of the past hair color mishaps and all the old red that had been hanging out for years
about 4 months into enjoying my full head of "one color" brown, I had my sister color my hair purple.  yes the purple was nice and it looked cool, but I was back to square one.  right now I color my hair a medium brown (blue/violet based)

I am at 32"
~goal length 36"

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: August 31 2009 at 12:02am
Ur color def is nice and dont worry u didnt come across rude at all. I know alot of men grow their hair long and dont take care of it and i absolutely cant stand that. I agree more should come on here and learn how to care for it. I know I take great pride in my hair and take great care of it like a woman would. I mean i condition and wash and trim and brush and everything to make it nice and thick and full and the best it can be. I hope that at least gets me some points lol haha.
def take a pic of ur ponytail tho it would be cool to see. do u do the high or low ponytail?im also glad u do a bun sometimes they are def cool. ill do one for work. im sry ur hair is nearing terminal length :( but hey it does look amazing and u never know u may have some more growth there

Posted By: Ally<3
Date Posted: September 01 2009 at 6:54pm
Wow,very long! When did you start going it and from what length?


Posted By: Lickalime
Date Posted: September 01 2009 at 6:59pm
technically I started growing it in 1998, the day after I bobbed my hair - too bad my hair was longer than it is now when I bobbed it!!  I really got into growing it long a few years ago.  it seems like it's taken forever

*grrrrrr.....I took a pic of my hair in a pony and now I can't upload pics.  I'll try again later*

I am at 32"
~goal length 36"

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: September 01 2009 at 10:01pm
Wow thats great that u have been letting it grow for so long. HOw long was it exactly before u bobbed it? thats sooo sad that u cut it all off :(
Def try to upload pics later i cant wait to see the ponytail ones :)

Posted By: TDurden
Date Posted: September 02 2009 at 8:04pm
Wow.  Seriously gorgeous hair.  just thought I'd mention that lol. 

Posted By: Kramer
Date Posted: September 04 2009 at 11:43pm
Stunning. Thanks for taking us along for the ride.

Who has more fun than people?

Posted By: Ally<3
Date Posted: September 05 2009 at 10:11pm
You know, you gotta experience short hair as well at some point. It would have been a nice change, and now you appeciate the length you have at the moment.

Though I must admit, since chopping off my almost waist length locks to a short a line bob, it's a long way back!! I'm jealous of my two year ago self. LOL


Posted By: Mike46019
Date Posted: September 08 2009 at 8:08am
Good luck in getting to your goal. Your hair looks great. Thanks for the pics. Keep growing.

Few men are killed by the bayonet;many are scared by it.Bayonets should be fixed when the fire fight starts.General George Patton Jr.,War As I Knew It,1947.

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: November 11 2009 at 7:36pm
Originally posted by Lickalime Lickalime wrote:

I really hope my hair can/does grow longer.  I have a feeling my hair is nearing my terminal length.  some days I feel like my hair hasn't grown in forever...

Hi Lickalime! Smile  Curious, do you have your hair trimmed at a salon?  As thick as the ends are (and your hair is really beautiful, by the way), I would think your hair would easily grow longer if it were trimmed less & less often.

Posted By: Figaropc
Date Posted: February 26 2010 at 12:17pm
You wrote that you are now at 32" and your goal length is 36" ... ok and then ? Will you let them at this lenght ? and sometimes trim them ? or will you cut them short and sell your hair ?

[Edited to remove poster's request for personal contact]

Very interested by your long hair. Ask me for a free estimate.

Posted By: beachbum88
Date Posted: October 05 2010 at 1:33pm
You are so lucky to have such long, gorgeous hair!

Posted By: longhaired76
Date Posted: October 09 2010 at 2:57pm
You have the most lovely long thick hair...i now have hair envySmile

Growing from short currently bsl- goal waist

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