Today, I think men suffer from hair loss, baldness or hair thinning more than women. Why? There can be a number reasons for that. But as a Beauty Expert, I think the main 2 factors causing baldness and hair thinning in men are stress and hormonal issues.
Therefore in this article, Id like to talk about these 2 important factors that kill our mens beautiful hair and how we can help them.
Hormonal factor that causes hair thinning out
For your note, both men and women may suffer from hair loss due to hormonal imbalance. Hormones are vital for hair growth, so the lack of them we can face serious hair loss problems like hair thinning or male / female pattern baldness.
These diseases are caused by androgen DHT or Dihydrotesterone. Of course, everyone has this hormone but only some people suffer from hair issues due to excessive amount of DHT. This case is more common for men than women. The only effective solution is to use either preventive anti-androgen drugs or natural remedies that help to block DHT hormone. Otherwise, neither homemade masks, nor external hair loss remedies will help you. It would be wiser to combine the treatment for DHT hormone from inside and applying organic hair loss products from out.
Avoid Any Stress
No matter, big or little stress, it will surely harm your total health and as well as every single organs in your body, including hair. I often come across men who experience balding or hair loss just because of the stress in their life. You should learn to control your emotions and always stay calm. In this case, the best solution for hair thinning in men is practicing daily meditation.
To help your husband whose hair is thinning out day by day, start applying these tips just today
------------- Going to the Doctor!