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Why is Extension Hair more Tangly?

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 1:40pm

Topic: Why is Extension Hair more Tangly?
Posted By: virgo
Subject: Why is Extension Hair more Tangly?
Date Posted: September 22 2009 at 1:56pm
Is just received my Bohyme hair, and tried it as a homemade clip-in.  The good part is that the color (#12) is an almost perfect match to my own hair!
Bad parts are,
1: It gets tangled within about 5 min.  Why is that?  It's good quality human Remmy hair.  Should it be tangling like that?  And is there anything I can do about it?
2:  My hair my very fine, so the clip keeps slipping down.  Any suggestions?

Posted By: RemyStyle
Date Posted: September 23 2009 at 7:59pm
If the hair is tangling within 5 minutes this means that the cuticles are stripped and are not uni-directional. "Remy" hair is human hair with cuticles flowing in one direction from weft to tip. This hair is collected from one donor and careful attention is paid to the preparation of this hair to keep the cuticles aligned.Often times "packaged" hair from China is not collected properly from one donor. The hair is usually "thuku" hair which  is the left over shavings from salons and brushes. This hair is piled and mixed together during collection. Because it is VERY tedious to separate and arrange properly the hair undergoes an extensive process to strip the cuticle which involves an acid wash and silicone coating to give it that overly shiny look. This coating will wash away after a few washes causing the mixed cuticles to want flow in different directions. After wearing extensions for half of my life I call this "tangled matt syndrome."It is curious that your hair matted so quickly...I know people who have worn Bohyme before and haven't had a problem with it. You might have just bought a bad pack. If packaged hair sits around for awhile, it's "life" span is shorter.

Posted By: keetagirl
Date Posted: September 25 2009 at 1:50pm
I too make my own extensions from human hair by sewing the clips on myself.  I prefer doing that because I can get the sizing right.  I have a rather small head and I find that buying the clip-ins already made gives me a lot of pieces I can't use ( like the 1 inch pieces, what do you do with them.....).  I can also dye mine to perfectly match my own, colored, hair.Anyway, to answer your question:  I have no idea why they tangle so much.  It drives me crazy too!  I've tried using the frizz serum on them, which makes them shiny (I do it after I shampoo them, if I do it when they are dry, they just look greasy) but does'nt really help with tangling.Phyto makes a special shampoo/conditioner that is made to make hair very slippery and easy to brush/comb.  I think I'm going to try that.  It's available at's Marketplace or on their website.  It's pricey though.  I guess if I'm only using it for the extensions, then it's not so bad.I have several extensions that I made from the long hair strands: ponytails and chignons.  But when I wear just the straight clip-ins I have to brush them often throughout the day.  I'm anxious to see what other posts you get.  Hope this helps a little bit.

Posted By: keetagirl
Date Posted: September 25 2009 at 1:56pm
Whoops!! forgot to answer your other question:  I too have fine hair and the clips were slipping down for me too.  I have three suggestions.  First, try sewing additional clips in, sometimes you just need the extra hold.  Second, you may have very small clips in the extensions.  Go to Sally's beauty supply or any beauty supply that carries wigs/hairpieces and check out the clips you can purchase in the package.  If they are larger than the ones you have, they will hold better.  Just switch them out.  You can attach them yourself using 5 or 6 small stitches on each side.  Last, you can try using a bobby pin. Put the clip in as usual and snap it closed.  Slide the bobby pin onto the teeth of the clip.  If your hair is thin, the bobby pin might show through.  I have done this and have been able to get away with it.  It's a bit uncomfortable though, so I went ahead and sewed more clips in and that works great.  Good luck!

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