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method of washing extensions

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 1:27pm

Topic: method of washing extensions
Posted By: lancarra
Subject: method of washing extensions
Date Posted: September 23 2009 at 2:27pm
hi i have just thought of this idea and i apologize if it has been done before!
i wear 24" remy mixed with plastikhaar, my own hair is just below shoulder length very fine, i install them with protac tapes.As i like to wash my hair every day it wears the hair out very fast and i have been reinstalling every 2 weeks as i like it to feel silky.
What i did this time was to tie a hair band tightly in a ponytail and pull the band down to the ends of my own hair,i then plaited the remaining length and secured the end and then i put the plaited end in a plastic freezer bag and secured really tightly. i then washed as normal just holding the bag out of the way. it saves having to dry all the hair every time and hopefully keep the condition of the extension hair! sounds weird i know but hopfully it will work i will let you know!

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