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Baldness - seamless extensions

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 11:04am

Topic: Baldness - seamless extensions
Posted By: srhnglnn
Subject: Baldness - seamless extensions
Date Posted: September 27 2009 at 10:44am
I've some issues with my hair.  I have a rare skin lupus which caused a LOT of hair loss.  I have lost more than 50 % of my hair.  I have been lucky since I've lost it from the bottom up but you can see through the thin layers I still have on top.  It's great that my hair IS growing... but slllllooooowwwwly!! 
I purchased some really cheap additions so I can pull my hair into a claw clip.  The pieces are synthetic and awful!!  But it works... for now.  The only thing is that I HAVE to wear my hair the same!  I'm tired of it!!  And I'm still thinning out faster than my hair is growing.  Soon I won't be able to hide it this way anymore.
It's kind of hard to describe what I look like right now.  Just imagine if I were to hold my hair up with my hands.  There is nothing but some new regrowth underneath.  It goes up past my ear line.  I hate it and I feel so gross.  I'm desperate....
Anyways... I was looking into full lace wigs. But I can't afford it!!!!!  So I purchased seamless extensions.  I talked with an online rep at sultry  I explained the best I could and she said that these would be great for me.  Now I'm wondering if it will work!!!  I dont have much to work with and all the tutorials or videos show women with actual hair!!  Do I have enough to do this????  Will it look good???  How will it cover all the balding??? 
URGGHHH.... Please help!! 

Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: February 10 2010 at 11:53am
If your hair is thin and balding, there is probably not any type of hair extension you will be able to cover.

I order my lace wigs from  They are affordable, I think, and decent quality.

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Posted By: ehairexperts
Date Posted: February 12 2010 at 12:25am
The seamless extensions should actually work however please note that they are applied by using an adhesive. Generally speaking, adhesives are not the best thing for thinning hair however if they are applied and removed correctly, they should work fine.
Part a strip of your hair out and apply a weft above AND below, sandwiching your hair in between. This will prevent a bunch of glue getting clumped into your hair and causing further hair loss.

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