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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 1:45pm

Topic: Itching
Posted By: mousybrown
Subject: Itching
Date Posted: September 28 2009 at 10:16am

Has anyone had problems with hair extensions itiching?  Am I not washing my hair enough?  I wash every 2-3 days and before I washed every 1-2 days.  Do the extensions dry the scalp out? 

I itched one spot so much that I made it raw.  Now the metal crimp next to that spots is making it waaaaaay worse.  I'm thinking I'm going to have to go in & have that extension removed until the spot heals. 
Suggestions?  Anyone?!? Thanks in advance.

Posted By: SiNfuL GirL
Date Posted: September 28 2009 at 11:30pm
 Are the extensions really tight or close to your scalp? it could be that whoever installed did it to close and that could make it sore and itchy, or you could be allergic to that type of metal on the beads. 

Posted By: mousybrown
Date Posted: September 29 2009 at 7:32pm
I think they might be to close to the scalp.  I recently had a few adjusted (the one's at the base of my hair line) and those are the only one's itching.  Is this a bad thing?
Also, I bought scalpicin.  For dry scalp.  It seems to have done wonders.  Will this damage the extensions?  I know I have to be very particular with what products I use...

Posted By: SiNfuL GirL
Date Posted: September 30 2009 at 6:05pm
im not sure if that will damage extensions but i dont think so... and if they are too close to the scalp that was probably the issue... they need to be at least a couple cm from the scalp... I install my own extensions and sometimes i get them too close so i have to adjust. its not a bad thing it just hurts and itches. lol

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