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What to do With My Hair

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 10:25am

Topic: What to do With My Hair
Posted By: kiki21
Subject: What to do With My Hair
Date Posted: October 11 2009 at 1:21am

Im a college student that plays basketball and im looking for a style that i will be able to do that will NOT damage my hair.

i had tracks with somevery expensive weave last year and a little bit of the back of my hair broke off.
now i have my edges box braided with the middle weaved and its cool but its very hard for me to clean becasue of the big braid in the middle where the track is sown in.
im thinking about getting a net weave but i dont know if this will be good with me playing a sport. i do not want to just conform to braids. what can i do? i need help!

Date Posted: December 21 2009 at 11:47am
I think its funny you are asking this bc I am thinking about braids. :) what about something like this:

i love plastikhaar

Posted By: ehairexperts
Date Posted: January 27 2010 at 1:31pm
Braids would probably be the best option because you can wash them more thoroughly than a weave. If you do decide to go back with a weave, here are a few suggestions to prevent breakage:
1. Tighter is NOT better. Pulling the hair too tight will stunt the hair growth or cause hair thinning. Dry hair will simply snap off.
2. Use a good moisturizer!! Not just an oil moisturizer but one that will actually penetrate the strands and add more elasticity (glycerin based) such as Better Braids spray.
3. Prevent a smelly weave or smelly braids by thoroughly washing your hair in the morning or during the day so it can completely dry. If it is washed at night, your hair underneath cannot dry properly and it will begin to smell. This is even more the case with those who play sports and have sweaty and oily scalps. After your hair has been washed, be sure to apply more moisturizers!!

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