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Are these good extensions?

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 1:32pm

Topic: Are these good extensions?
Posted By: zomgSARAH
Subject: Are these good extensions?
Date Posted: October 15 2009 at 3:38am
Hey guys! As a very early Christmas present, my best friend is having her parents by me
hair extensions
black hair dye
hair extension clips
and a zebra straightener(which is really off topic.)
and uhm, we found really cheap human hair extensions that are on a weft, and we're hoping it's enough for my head.
I cut my hair really short, basically. I'm clipping them in near the crown and the middle of my head, and it should be down to my bellybutton if I do that(yay!)
But are these good quality? Do I have to wash them with anything special?:,default,pd.html

Posted By: zomgSARAH
Date Posted: October 15 2009 at 10:23pm

Posted By: SiNfuL GirL
Date Posted: October 16 2009 at 2:26am
Use matrix sleek to wash or anything except things like pantine pro v or herbal essence.. You get what you pay for in extensions so those arent the best but they do work expecially when your hair is on back order or something and cant wait. Also for beginners it says to air dry them but i have head of them being blow dryed befor so not a huge issue i assume. Just have fun with them 

Posted By: frenchie1
Date Posted: October 16 2009 at 10:17pm
Hey Girl-
Sorry I didn't reply sooner... so basically Salys hair extensions don't have a good reputation. They are the cheepest you can get I think, or close to that.
You want to look for one thing if you're looking for hair extensions, it is remy hair. Cuticle aligned. When you don't see that mentioned, forget it. Unless you go for a short term install, or just want to practice on some non expensive hair at first, or plan on making clip in that you'll wear every once in a while.
If you want to live with the extensions, wash them on a regular basis, style them with heat tools etc. then you need a minimum of quality or honestly it is a waste of money. You'll end uo with ugly looking hair, all tangled up after a few shampoos. We've almost all made that mistake.
If you re looking for dark colors, then you can get some great indian hair, that is not always crazy expensive.
I prefer asian type of hair like Bohyme personally.
As for maintenance, you'll learn your way. I love Pantene products so unlike Sinful Girl I would totally recommend them. Clarifying poo every once in a while gets rid of any ocasional build up, if need be.
Silicone serum, smoothing products, conditioning and deep conditioning are a must.
Owning a good straight iron can be a life saver too when your hair gets a bit dry.
If you want recommendations for not too expensive but decent quality hair, you should read read read. Spend hours on the hair extensions forum, you'll find tons of info.
Some girls have posted good reviews of hair that wasn't so expensive. I can't remember names right about now, but definitely go on the hunt and dig out old posts!
Good luck!

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