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ooops i did it again......

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 1:54pm

Topic: ooops i did it again......
Posted By: divinediva
Subject: ooops i did it again......
Date Posted: October 15 2009 at 11:01am
Im always playing around with the idea of going I bleached my hair ALOT and went very blonde, only to get bored of it and return to a more ginger hue 2 weeks later, here are the results:
Blonde without extensions (can't belive I still had hair left on my head with all the bleaching): -
Then me deciding that blonde wasn't for me and dying it back to a ginger colour (with extensions)-although alot lighter than my previous ginger look:

It doesn't have to be natural to be fabulous!!!/

Posted By: SiNfuL GirL
Date Posted: October 16 2009 at 2:22am
You look really good as a blond and as a ginger wow not many people in this world can pull those two colors off but you do it well. LOVE IT And being a blond is too much work but it keeps me entertained lol

Posted By: divinediva
Date Posted: October 16 2009 at 7:10am
Thank you ;). I am quite lucky as I do pull off most colours-even black though i'd never go there again.  Yeah ur right being blonde is high maintainance though TBH this colour is washing out so quickly that I will be more blonde than ginge again before you know it which is quite fun- I like variety!!! mwah xoxo

It doesn't have to be natural to be fabulous!!!/

Posted By: SiNfuL GirL
Date Posted: October 17 2009 at 8:38am
I have gone a brown not real dark but it was a red brown umm not sure how to describe it but i dont do good dark colors so i wont even try. lol. I just wish i could do my own hair but i cant bleach my own roots i'll screw it up and be bald then i'll be investing in wigs and wont be happy about that lol

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