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Questions about extensions

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 7:41am

Topic: Questions about extensions
Posted By: liz0060
Subject: Questions about extensions
Date Posted: October 22 2009 at 1:47pm
I am fairly new to the extension world.  I had a hair dresses that did micro links and she moved so I now have a hair dresses that does weaving.  I think I like the weaving better.  But I buy my own hair and she puts it in.  I bought Milky Way Remy Virgin hair.  It was about $95.  It is brown  with some blonde in it.  Like before with the micro links, the blonde has a tendency to tangle.  It that true with all hair or do I need to buy something better?  I've thought about going darker to just avoid the blonde all together.  And another problem seems to be the bottom hair coming loose.  Is that normal?

Posted By: frenchie1
Date Posted: October 24 2009 at 8:47am
Hey Liz-
To avoid shedding, you can just try a sealant. Some like Aleene's stop fraying (buy it at a hair extensions online store), and a really good one is Sherrie's sealant. -
She has a clear one too.
As for the hair tangling, I think you could try to invest in some hair that is a little more expensive and you might realise it is well worth your money.
Do you know if the hair is remy/cuticle aligned for example?
There are a lot of good companies out there, just read old posts on this forum, also you can give a shot at BHM. If you wear darker colours, you can try virgin indian for example, or virgin asian. Do a lot of research online, if you have found a company or type of hair that you like, just do a search on old posts, to see what comes up in the hair extensions forums.
For blonde colours, the choices are more limited. I like Bohyme the best, russian is very nice but doesn't take the heat as well imo, and Elite Supreme Gold is very nice and sleek to. ESG is from ********* com.
http://www.*********.com/ - http://www.*********.com/
Oh & I like this hair too, it sheds a bit but it's great: -
Well, I think that's it for my recommendations.Wink

Posted By: frenchie1
Date Posted: October 24 2009 at 8:56am
Oh, sorry just re reading your post I notice that you do mention that the hair is virgin. You know, from my experience, sometimes one type of hair works well for one person and not for another. It is a matter of personal routine and preference. If you're not happy with this hair, definitely look for another brand.
Divavocals has a lot of recommendations when it comes to indian hair. She likes Wagman hair if i remember well.
One thing you want to think about also is the type of products you use. Do you condition and deep condition regularly, do you have the right styling product (for me silicone serums and Morrocan Oil are amazing), do you use a heat protectant? Also, owning a great straight iron can make such a difference, at least for me! Good luck!

Posted By: MichaelaR
Date Posted: May 04 2010 at 4:44am
I've recently bought a weft on-line and liquid gold bond-a-weave and used this application method, its been nearly two weeks now and they hair hasn't come loose and is still in great condition! I use a herbal essence split ends shampoo and conditioner and the hair is still beautiful.
Hope this helps :)
Michaela x


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