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0.5g vs 0.8g

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 11:12am

Topic: 0.5g vs 0.8g
Posted By: kaitsmom
Subject: 0.5g vs 0.8g
Date Posted: November 16 2009 at 5:36pm
Okay I am new to all of this so if this is a silly question please forgive me...
I am looking into doing extensions for my daughter.  After researching I am pretty sure I want to do the micro ring method.  My question is what size per strand should I buy - I have read you need ~200 strands for a full head but should I get the 0.5g per strand or the 0.8g per strand.  She has # - thick hair naturally and is wanting the extensions for length only.  I was thinking I would need the 0.8g since her hair is thicker, but then I got to thinking maybe the 0.5g is better because it wouldn't be as much weight pulling.  I'm just not really sure.  Anyway...thanks for the help!
One other thing - I said I am pretty sure I want to do the micro ring method but the more I read the more unsure I get - I want to do something easy for the non-experienced person to do, but I want it to look as natural as possible and be as comfortable as possible.  My daughter still wants to be able to wear her hair in a ponytail occassionally.
Any opinions on which method to use and has anyone used the EZ weft and opinions on that.
Thanks for helping! 

Posted By: SiNfuL GirL
Date Posted: November 17 2009 at 10:49pm
You can still wear your hair in a pony tail with the micro link. I would either do mico link or  a weft  both are very easy. I do mico link on myself it takes a couple hrs but I prefer that method for myself. If she just wants length then i would stick with the 0.5g because your going to get length without the weight. if your going for thickness then go with the 0.8g.

The EZ wefts are nice however I get a few complaints about them slipping more. If your going to be the one doing her hair neither should matter as you can maintain it more often than someone paying a stylist to do it every 3-6 weeks. I personally have not tried EZ wefts but would like to one of these days when i get around to it.
Hope everything works out do show some pic on whatever you decide and let us know your experience.

Posted By: ehairexperts
Date Posted: March 17 2010 at 2:38am

Also, the weight of the strand will depend on how long your daughter's natural hair is. Rule of thumb: the shorter the hair, the smaller bunch of hair you need to use to help it blend better. It is much easier to blend shorter hair with more smaller strands than fewer larger strands.

If she wants to wear her hair in a ponytail, be sure to not add any strands too close to her edges. When pulled in a ponytail, she should have enough of her own hair left out to properly cover the links.

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