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Need the Help of Extension Specialist in NY

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 10:05am

Topic: Need the Help of Extension Specialist in NY
Posted By: lareel
Subject: Need the Help of Extension Specialist in NY
Date Posted: November 23 2009 at 5:34pm
Hello to all,
This is my first Post, and I apologize for it's length.    I'm not new to Hair Extensions, I had them 3 years ago.  They were SoCap and I loved them!
I went back to the same Salon last month, to find out about filling in a cropped hair cut that won't grow out.  the Owner said it could be done.
I had 3 services done, as the first one just filled in 1 side.  The second service  a week later filled in the other side. When I saw spaces opening up, I had a third service.
The problem is the third service was done by a different person, and unfortunately the Owner.  She put extensions on top of extensions, and into a space that only had a inch of hair.
The next day the entire left top quadrant of my hair snapped back, and I had to go to the Salon late in the evening, to dissolve the bonds.
I was left with a bald spot, and the extensions began falling out around them.  I complained to the owner, and went back.  She had a Hairdress cut around them, and told me she was refunding my Credit Card.
It turned out she never refunded my card, and I am now disputing this service through my credit card company.
I paid $1,000 for this service, and 1 month later have no extensions left and a bald spot!
I am seeking the help of an Extension Expert who I can look at the damage, and certify it for my Credit Card Company.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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