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Hair colour Changing

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Color
Forum Description: The tricks and tribulations of changing your hair color
Printed Date: March 06 2025 at 8:20pm

Topic: Hair colour Changing
Posted By: stdk
Subject: Hair colour Changing
Date Posted: December 25 2009 at 11:19am

Hi there,

My hair is black, although it is a lighter shade than that of my brothers. Their hair is more like jet black. I have noticed that when light from the sun (or even just from a light bulb) shines on my hair, it turns light brown/orange/ginger depending on the intensity. This doesn't seem to happen/as much with my brothers', it just shines white. Could it be that my hair is genuinley dark brown? Or, has my hair been damaged somehow so that it is losing its colour and becoming grey? If so, how does one prevent this?

Also, i do not go out in the sun that much, so that is probably less likely to be a factor regarding this predicament.

I appreciate any help you could give me and thank you in advance.

Posted By: karen s
Date Posted: December 27 2009 at 12:42pm
Sounds like you have a darker brown hair rather than black, also everyone had different tones to there hair, your either a warm tone meaning you have red/orange tone to your natural hair colour, or cool tone where the tone of the hair is more ash/grey tone. So under any artificial light /sunlight you are seeing your warm tones shining through.

karen sanderson

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