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Bleaching Questions!

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Color
Forum Description: The tricks and tribulations of changing your hair color
Printed Date: January 10 2025 at 12:35pm

Topic: Bleaching Questions!
Posted By: bkatherine
Subject: Bleaching Questions!
Date Posted: January 03 2010 at 7:51pm
My hair's in decent shape right now, but I'm still dying to bleach and tone it white! I've put it off for much longer than usual because I want to do it right this time! A few quick questions:

1. Still wondering - which is the healthiest way to go blonde? Building highlights over time or just bleaching once and using protein treatments?

2. If I bleach, should I use a low 20 volume developer multiple times or try to do it all in one go with a higher level?

3. What are your product suggestions for repairing bleached hair?

Thank you very much!!

Posted By: Jojoswr
Date Posted: January 04 2010 at 7:30pm
I bleach my hair with 20 volume. Takes about 90 minutes as my hair is about a level 2-3. I use Wella color charm T-10 as a toner. I use Shiny Silver Ultra shampoo and Ion effective treatment from Sally's. Also really like theJohn Freida conditioner.

Posted By: bkatherine
Date Posted: January 12 2010 at 12:46am
Hey, just wanted to let anyone who's wondering know - my hair turned out fantastically! I'm very proud of it and wanted to share the steps I used to get it the way it is!

1. First I bleached my hair from a dyed light brunette with 30vol for 45 minutes. The resulting color was a light orange-yellow.
2. A few days later, as my hair was still in good condition, I bleached it a second time with 20vol for 45-60 minutes to a light yellow.
3. Two days later I toned my hair for 45-60 minutes with Wella T18 White Lady toner. This worked so much better than Clairol Extra Light Platinum 323d which had very little effect at all.

I'm so proud of the results!

First bleaching:

Second bleaching with toner:

Posted By: borne.blonde
Date Posted: January 12 2010 at 10:18am

Posted By: muppets
Date Posted: January 12 2010 at 11:45pm
Bkatherine, it looks great!! Wonderful result, and thanks for sharing the steps you took.

Beauty draws us with a single hair.
~Alexander Pope

I'm a kitchen beautician, not a licensed cosmetologist, so please take any advice I give with a grain of salt!

Posted By: Jojoswr
Date Posted: January 13 2010 at 7:59am
Well done Katherine. Looks excellent.

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