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Why did Liquid Gold Bond-a-Weave fail?

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 11:33am

Topic: Why did Liquid Gold Bond-a-Weave fail?
Posted By: what_project
Subject: Why did Liquid Gold Bond-a-Weave fail?
Date Posted: February 05 2010 at 4:32pm
I put in just one extension, to give it a "test drive". I installed it on clean hair, using Bond-a-Weav. Next day, the extension fell out right after the wash.

So, what could be the cause?  Can Liquid Gold expire? (I bought the bottle about a year ago and only used it once since.) The extension fell out and the Liquid Gold remained in my hair, and it got very wet and soft. I just fished it right out of my hair, didn't have to use a solvent.

The other factors that may have contributed:

1) The shampoo was Fructis Garnier

2) The hair conditioner got to it? (I used Wella Professional for damaged hair). I am not sure if it actually made contact with the close-to-the roots hair where I put the extension, but it might have.

3) Nail glue applied to the extension tip was too thin?

Help!!! (I have great plans for a new look, what if it all falls out the next day!)

Posted By: mariec5454
Date Posted: February 06 2010 at 4:58am
I've heard of others using LG for fusion (which is what I assume you attempted) with some success.  However, I would recommend using a keratin bond for fusion.  It last longer.

Posted By: kurlisia
Date Posted: February 06 2010 at 6:18pm
Is it the big 2oz bottle of Liquid Gold? Because the same thing happened to me with that stuff... wouldn't stay in no matter what I did. I use the original LG all the time though and it works great.

Posted By: what_project
Date Posted: February 07 2010 at 4:33am
It was the 0.5 oz bottle, go figure! Maybe I should buy a new one and try again.

I've researched the keratin beads, but I just don't trust myself with glue at +170 centigrade on the back of my head. Smile Nothing good will come out of that.

Posted By: frenchie1
Date Posted: February 09 2010 at 8:40am
If you got a bottle of LG that seems to be thinner than the usual texture, then you might have had a bad one. They thinned out their formula at some point, but then retweaked it again. Now it's totally fine.
When it was thinner, I had trouble with it too, although no where near as bad as what you describe.
I would just let the bottle air out for a day, when I was using the thinner LG, and then the texture would thicken by itself.
The bigger squeeze bottle is a different formula, purposedly more liquidy, a lot of women use it with tape as reinforcement, not as glue for tracks.
If your LG was a normal texture, then you could have had different issues:
Have you clarified your hair and more importantly the weft you installed?
I like Neutrogena anti residus shampoo, some women like liquid dishwasher, or baking soda.
Put a layer of LG on top + bottom of your weft. When you apply, keep the weft in place for a few seconds, then after you pull a layer of your own hair on top, make sure to blowdry for a few seconds. It really helps to set the bond.
I'm thinking that maybe you have some sort of sliding when you applied your weft, making the LG layer thiner and the bond weaker.
Think of applying a thicker line of LG, you might just need to use a bit more.
Then of course, be careful with conditioner, avoid putting it on your lg bond. Even though just a little bit of conditioner should NOT make your LG bond dissolve and should not make your weft fall just like that.
SO I doubt it's the conditioner that's at fault.
As for the shampoo, as a measure of precaution, I like to stick to clarifying shampoo or a shampoo that is not rich/mositurizing for the first couple shampooes after install.
You also want to wait 24 hours, if possible, between your time of install and your first shampoo as the bond is a tiny bit more vulnerable.
Bottom line is: LG is a really good product for bonding tracks, I wouldn't give up! ;-)
In case nothing helps, try supertape + LG.
Good luck!

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