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Advice please!

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 11:18am

Topic: Advice please!
Posted By: becatron
Subject: Advice please!
Date Posted: February 17 2010 at 11:21pm
Hi Everyone!

I want some advice. I have very thick hair and I'm considering extensions.

I don't want to add any chemicals to my hair, so I've been looking at the mirco-loop ones and the clip ins.

I'm not sure if I want a permanent change or a temporary one.

In regards to clip in, what kind of weight should I be looking for? And in regards to the loops - I'd want to do it myself as I can't afford to go to a hair dresser, so how many would I need (approx) and how long would it take for me to do it?

Also, does anyone have an opinion for what's better?


Posted By: ehairexperts
Date Posted: February 18 2010 at 8:30pm
When it comes to adding - highlights or - lowlights to your hair, extensions are always a great alternative to processing your own hair. - Clip-ins come in a variety of lengths, color shades and hair types. They come in synthetic, human hair and remy human hair. They can be applied and removed very quickly and are perfect for adding short term color, length and/or volume to your hair.
Loop extensions are one of the fastest ways to apply fusion extensions. There are the loop extensions with the micro ring and the loop extensions with the teflon tube that is melted onto your hair. Please feel free to click on the below links to read the articles that we have written about the loop extensions: - Rinex Fusion Technique - Tubex Fusion Technique
If you have any additional questions, we will be more than happy to assist you with finding the answers.

------------- - eHairExperts - your article resource for all of your hair extension needs. FREE product - GIVEAWAYS .

Posted By: becatron
Date Posted: February 18 2010 at 8:55pm
I'm aware of the differences between the two and the different types of hair. That doesn't really answer my questions. I'm concerned about the weight for thick hair of clip ins and for the amount of micro loops I'd need.

Posted By: ehairexperts
Date Posted: February 19 2010 at 2:06pm
If you already have thick hair, amount of weigh the extensions will add with be very minimal. I was unsure what you were referring to when you said "weight" because clip-ins and fusion hair is not sold by weight like weaving or bulk hair is.
But, again, to answer your question, the weight should not be too noticable if you are only adding highlights, not length or volume. If you have very short, thick hair and wish to add 18" hair that is much longer and fuller than your own, weigh might be a concern, not with highlights or clip-ins.

------------- - eHairExperts - your article resource for all of your hair extension needs. FREE product - GIVEAWAYS .

Posted By: dolly666
Date Posted: February 20 2010 at 2:51pm
Hi i think cos your hair is thick a set of clipins about 160grams should blend well with your hair.With micr loops check the weight they come in 0.5 gram and 1 gram strands if u get the 1 gram strands i think 150 strands should be ok if u get the 0.5 u should need aroung 200 maybe more.
Clipins would be the best way to go as they are very easy to do yourself and if u like them then u can go for the loops,but i think u may need a friend to help with the back.

Posted By: becatron
Date Posted: February 20 2010 at 10:06pm
I've seen 0.5g and 0.8g ones for sale, where can you get the 1g ones? thanks

Posted By: crist
Date Posted: February 21 2010 at 1:42pm
i think you can find them on amazon or even ebay.


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