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Guy with two pig tails

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Topic: Guy with two pig tails
Posted By: tailguy
Subject: Guy with two pig tails
Date Posted: February 28 2010 at 1:13pm
I am a 69 year old retired guy and I hate short hair on myself so I decided to just let it all hang out. Well in about 3 months I had a shock of long curls that stuck out the sides and did not look good to me. I tried a single pig tail and that looked like all the others I have seen so I rejected that. Then I tied the back off into two short little pig tails and it looked just great to me. A friend of mine (woman) said guys do not wear two pig tails. I told her I did not care and I was going to wear them. Any comments? I am curious what you think. I do not get out much anymore and have few friends. I love to look at women's hair. It is beautiful at any age.


Posted By: TMortis
Date Posted: March 01 2010 at 10:45am
Quite frankly- i am tired of other people's opinions.  They, whoever 'they' are always feel free to comment, usually in the negative about anything.  I say live and let live.  You want pigtails?  go for it.  Do you want to attract the type of person that would like them or one that wouldn't? If someone doesn't care for the way i cut my hair, and wants me to change.  I am not interested.  My hair is longer than some people want it to be. I don't care.  I need a trim, but I like the pony tail i can put it in.


Posted By: tailguy
Date Posted: March 01 2010 at 3:19pm
Tommi, I kind of reached the same decision. I feel good and well groomed when my locks are two pig tails so I am going with it. I live alone and I satisfy me. I really appreciate your astute observation. Enjoy! I never know who might just fall in love with me. LOL


Posted By: TMortis
Date Posted: March 02 2010 at 7:55am


Posted By: jena85
Date Posted: April 19 2010 at 10:47pm
Who cares what she thinks. My dad has long hair and he ties it up one pig tail and he is so proud of it. He is planning to dye it silver cause he wanted to have the same hair color as the character  Legolas in Lord of the rings. If you are comfortable with your two pig tail then leave it. I think long hair looks cute on guys.


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Posted By: TMortis
Date Posted: April 20 2010 at 2:53pm
Jena you are a breath of freash air.  So many women can't handle a man who expresses himself in a more feminine way.  Hair, clothes, earrings.  who cares.  i find women with short hair and pants attractive as well as a woman with long curls and a skirt.


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