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Oil for Your Extensions!?!?!?

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 11:15am

Topic: Oil for Your Extensions!?!?!?
Posted By: Hair.Loss
Subject: Oil for Your Extensions!?!?!?
Date Posted: March 09 2010 at 7:01pm

HELP! Hair Loss due to over bleaching last summer, need expert knowledge about extensions. Plz contact.

Posted By: frenchie1
Date Posted: March 10 2010 at 6:22am
Hey Girl- Wow I think I got some bad news for you... I hope I'm wrong, but it sounds like you got some cheap non remy hair put in.
This type of hair will go crazy once the thin silicone coating is washed out. It usually takes a few shampoos to reveal the awful nature of this hair.
Call your stylist asap and ask her precisely what type of hair she used and if it was remy (cuticle aligned hair).
If I'm right, no product in the world will help you, you need this hair taken out. You can try ironing + using some silicone serum in the meantime to tame it a bit. Good luck.
And Olive oil is good for pre shampoo treatment usually. Not like morrocan which is a mix or Argan oil + silicones and can be used on wet or dry hair.

Posted By: Hair.Loss
Date Posted: March 11 2010 at 5:54am

HELP! Hair Loss due to over bleaching last summer, need expert knowledge about extensions. Plz contact.

Posted By: mariec5454
Date Posted: March 11 2010 at 6:58am
Ummm, I have to agree with frenchie1.  From your description, it does sound like you got non-remy hair.  I do appreciate the fact that you don't like putting anyone down but the fact is that your hair is not behaving like remy hair.  Same thing happened to a friend of mine.  The hairdresser she  had been going to for hair extensions changed the hair on her at the 3rd application.  The hair matted, tangled, and came out quite easily.  She was very disappointed in this hairdresser.  People are trying to cut corners.  Whether it be the hairdresser or the person (company) she purchased the hair from.  It is possible that the hairdresser believed that she was purchasing remy when in fact she wasn't.  I would ask her to check with her vendor again.
In any event, you ended up with the bad hair and the hairdresser should take care of it.
Just my humble opinion.

Posted By: frenchie1
Date Posted: March 11 2010 at 10:40am
Could also be a bad batch. It's very rare, but it does happen.
I think time will tell, if it gets worse and worse very rapidly, then it's a giveaway. Keep communicating w/ your stylist, and if possible ask her where she got the hair from, if she has the brand of the hair she used, the labels etc.

Posted By: Hair.Loss
Date Posted: March 12 2010 at 2:17am

HELP! Hair Loss due to over bleaching last summer, need expert knowledge about extensions. Plz contact.

Posted By: Hair.Loss
Date Posted: March 12 2010 at 2:18am

HELP! Hair Loss due to over bleaching last summer, need expert knowledge about extensions. Plz contact.

Posted By: frenchie1
Date Posted: March 12 2010 at 10:58am
I think you know this answer yourself. No it's not rude to ask questions and to desire a decent install when you pay $600. Sure $600 is not necessarily the most amount of cash one could pay for an install, it can go in the thousands easy, but if she told you that you got remy hair, and it behaves like non remy, and if you feel like you're losing too many bonds too quickly, you need to do something about it.
You have to talk to your stylist. Bottom line.

Posted By: SiNfuL GirL
Date Posted: March 12 2010 at 4:38pm
Frenchie is so right.
Chick if I did someones install and they called me with matting or major frizz problems, (AS a stylist) I would fix it with a quickness. People lack pride in there work these days and I feel bad for those who cut corners. Not saying your stylist is but it sure doesn't sound like she is being very truthful with you.
Any install i have done on myself i dont get frizzyness when washed HOWEVER i did do a weft install and when i washed and dried the first time just one one side of my head was so uncontrolable. It ended up being a lot of synthetic on the weft and that caused major problems. I feel sad for your situation but girl even if you payed 200 for an install you still deserve to talk to your stylist without feeling like a burden. You pay her not the other way around. Good luck.

Posted By: Hair.Loss
Date Posted: March 12 2010 at 11:57pm

HELP! Hair Loss due to over bleaching last summer, need expert knowledge about extensions. Plz contact.

Posted By: frenchie1
Date Posted: March 17 2010 at 3:12pm

Great! I'm glad you could finally come to an agreement w/ your stylist. I'd ask her to show you the label of the hair she's putting in, just to make sure.

Posted By: fakeizme
Date Posted: March 23 2010 at 1:47pm
You sound young. Your newness to extensions may also be the reason you are having problems with the hair. If you don't normally pay a lot of attention to your own hair, then taking care of extensions will be difficult. Yes, there could be synthetic in your hair, but often we blame the hairstylist for the mistakes we have made.
I also want to say that it is rubbish if someone says you need to use a specific product on your hair extensions (or even natural hair). There are so many good products out there -- why just morrocan oil? Yes, it's awesome, but oil is not a one-size-fits-all solution. You need good conditioner and a good leave-in with a nice serum -- there are lots of products that fit that bill.
Hope your hair turns out well!

Love clip-ins and tape!

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