I always wondered why red lipstick seemed to get on my teeth more than any other color. I just read in Cosmo that "red shades can be packed with three times more pigment than paler shades."
So it's not necessarily that red lipstick is more prone to getting on my teeth, it's just that it's much more noticeable than pink, nude or white.
I also read this trick to prevent lipstick stains on teeth:
1. Apply lipstick and then blot. 2. Rub one end of a cotton swab across teeth to remove any slight trace of pigment no matter how slight. 3. Rotate the end of the cotton swab and then dip into Vaseline and slightly rub over front teeth to prevent lipstick from transferring from lips to the teeth. 4. Use tissue to blot any extra Vaseline from teeth.
I found these tips helpful BUT I hate the taste of the Vasline on my teeth. Yes, it makes my lips glide over my teeth easily but I hate the taste.
I am currently experiment with coconut oil instead which tastes better. So far so good.
Has anyone tried this tick and if you have, do you have any suggestions on things to rub on your teeth that is better than Vaseline?
Don't beauty contestants use this trick?
Are there any red lipsticks which are less likely to stain?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions. I love my red lipstick and hate those teeth stains. My guy always seems to be the first to notice and then it's all over. He teases me.
Plus it just looks messy. Right?