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I did something!

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 4:37am

Topic: I did something!
Posted By: Angeleeta
Subject: I did something!
Date Posted: August 02 2010 at 2:11pm
I was removing my glued in extensions today, and used oil remover at first to get the weave out which was fineeeee, BUT when washing out the glue with a glue removing shampoo I got at Sally's I USED HOT WATER instead of COLD! Now my hair is gummy and I'm doing my best to get it out. AM I totally screwed? Please tell me I'm not.
I rewashed it with COLD, and keep brushing it with a small toothed comb, but my hair still feels pretty gummy....and I'm afraid. If let it dry will it turn into a massive hard ball of glue throughout my entire hair? Should I keep it wet and keep rinsing it with cold? My head hurts from brushing it so much.
any advice would be greatly appreciated! thanks!

Posted By: Samantha_Jane
Date Posted: August 25 2010 at 9:59am
Ok, first of all stop brushing it so hard, in case you pull out any of your own hair. the only thing I can think of without seeing it for myself, would be to put a little acetone on a cotton wool pad and just rub it into the gluey areas, it should break down and be alot easier to wash/brush out, and use cool water when washing, hope this helps x

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