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Flip-In Hair Extensions

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
Printed Date: March 10 2025 at 4:45am

Topic: Flip-In Hair Extensions
Posted By: Alaria
Subject: Flip-In Hair Extensions
Date Posted: August 02 2010 at 10:44pm

Hi there, hair extension experts Wink !

Would anyone like to share any experience with Flip-In Hair extensions, which are called revolutionary damage free and hair friendly extensions? This is an UK registered brand of hairextensions. 
I read that they're very suitable for those ones, who would like to give their hair some recovery after few years of using fusion or bond extensions.
Any pro's and cont's? Before I buy them....
Thanks, Alaria

Posted By: sassyhair
Date Posted: August 08 2010 at 2:26pm

I have seen these and they are really good but your hair needs to be quite long and have long layers in it, it wont be any good if your hair has no layers in it or its short

There is a video on you tube showing you how to use it, if you type in flip in hair on you tube you can see how its applied.
You could probably make your own as it looks pretty easy to do.

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