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Please, for the love of god, help! <link to pics inside>

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: General Hair Talk
Forum Description: A free wheeling discussion of hair related topics.
Printed Date: July 01 2024 at 2:30pm

Topic: Please, for the love of god, help! <link to pics inside>
Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Subject: Please, for the love of god, help! <link to pics inside>
Date Posted: March 15 2004 at 5:10am
Ever since i shaved my head (for the first time ever) it is growing back extremely screwed up as you can see...its as if each follical has a mind of its own and the cowlicks are out to get me. i've tried gel and bedhead, and gel only makes it worse and bedhead just makes it gross. what do you think i could do to get some style going on here?

the pics: -

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 15 2004 at 5:12am
on second thought, maybe i'm just using the products wrong, or the wrong products.....what would any of you recommend i use, and how?

Posted By: Debbie
Date Posted: March 15 2004 at 7:26am
By the looks of it it has not been that long since you have shaved it. I would recommend that you take some time and let it grow in awhile and see what happens then. Give it some time to grow out. Hope this helps! Let us know what happens with it! Debbie

There is more to life than hair...Come on---Go get a life!!!!!!!

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 15 2004 at 7:42am
what do you suppose i could do in the meantime to make it look better? it's extremely frizzy and whatnot

Posted By: Debbie
Date Posted: March 15 2004 at 9:56am
How long is it ?

There is more to life than hair...Come on---Go get a life!!!!!!!

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 15 2004 at 6:25pm
Did you click on the link in the first post?'s about 1/8 or 1/4 inch

Posted By: Debbie
Date Posted: March 15 2004 at 8:11pm
It looks like 1/8th to me. When my hair was 1/8 the only thing that I worried about was getting some hair! LOL! I never worried about cowlicks becasue the hair is too short to do anything with. Give it another couple of weeks and then try some gel. If ya wait untill 3 weeks then you will have 1/2 inch. Good luck to ya! Hair grows 1/8 inch a week! :-) Let us know how it is doing! I hope this has helped! Debbie

There is more to life than hair...Come on---Go get a life!!!!!!!

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 15 2004 at 9:21pm
cool, but, im just trying to figure out how to have a more "suave" organized look. it is just not looking right at all at the moment...can you see where im coming from by looking at the pics...its horrible just horrible

Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: March 16 2004 at 1:46am
You're probably just feeling insecure because of all the exposure from shaving. Really, there's nothing to worry about.
Some people's hair grows in weird directions in some places. It's probably been that way all along, it's just you didn't notice as much before, because maybe you weren't paying attention, or maybe it was long enough to lie down fairly well without causing problems.
At the length your hair is now, no amount of product will make it lie down, if the natural tendency of the hair is to grow upwards. If you want it to lie down, you'll have to let it grow longer, until the weight of the hair pulls itself flatter. I can't tell you how long that is, because it varies from person to person. You just have to experiment and see what length is easiest to work with and get it to do what you want, on your own hair.

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Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 16 2004 at 3:14am
i think when it gets long enough i will start spiking my whole head. do you think crew gel with a little bedhead on the tips would be good for my hair starting at about 1" or is the bedhead over kill

Posted By: hairalways
Date Posted: March 16 2004 at 6:03am
HS - Hair grows like grass.....Each strand at it's own rate. I suggest you invest in a few hats, knit caps and the like....keep it under wraps for a few weeks. When I was growing mine out it drove me what I did was, I picked a tdate on the calendar 6 weeks away. I circled that date and swore not to look at, change or do anything with it until that date came....a great weight was lifted as I knew I couldn't worry until then. I just marked off the days.

I wore a lot of scarves, caps and bands (you can't do some of those, I know) But you can do baseball caps, etc.

try it.



Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 16 2004 at 6:19am
so what, until it gets longer, i should just towel dry it and forget that it's all frizzy?

Posted By: Debbie
Date Posted: March 16 2004 at 7:11am
I know what you mean by looking horrible! To YOU it looks horrible - to others they jusy see a guy that is letting his hair grow- so it is no big deal. Listen to what the others have said and just go with the flow! Before you know it you will have enough hair to do whatever you chose to do with it! In the meantime have fun and relax! Keep us posted though! Debbie

There is more to life than hair...Come on---Go get a life!!!!!!!

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 16 2004 at 7:20am
thanks debbie i'll keep you posted

any other thoughts anyone?

Posted By: Unregistered Guest
Date Posted: March 16 2004 at 9:58am
I still just feel like there's a tip or trick that i'm not aware of

Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: March 17 2004 at 2:55am
No tricks that I know of, and I've been through a similar growing out period. I never actually shaved my head completely, but I had the buzzcut thing going on for a while, a few years ago. My hair also grows in weird directions in places, and has cowlicks, but I've known that for a long time, so I wasn't surprised by how it acted. I survived months of really awkward growing-out period before it started looking all right again. Hair accessories and product do help, after a while, but at the stage you're on, there's really not much you can do besides live with it, or cover it up until you think you can live with it. *shrugs*

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