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Cowlicks and Fluffiness

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: General Hair Talk
Forum Description: A free wheeling discussion of hair related topics.
Printed Date: July 01 2024 at 3:07pm

Topic: Cowlicks and Fluffiness
Posted By: jason69
Subject: Cowlicks and Fluffiness
Date Posted: March 20 2004 at 8:01pm
Like, most people here I have a problem with my hair.
I guess I do have it better than some people, in the fact I have very thick hair. The only problem is, I'm half indian, and half chinese, but I look more Indian, thus I don't have smaller features of an Asian but I do have the asian hair. Doesn't look good at all. Not only do I have "Porcupine" hair, where it fluffs out and sticks instead of just sticking straight to the head like cacausion hair. On top of that, I have a cowlick on the crown. I know relaxers can be used to help out with the "fluff" situation, but what about cowlicks? If I use elctrolosis to get rid of it, wont I have a big bald spot where hair should be? Just wondering what you guys know that can help me with this cowlick and fluffy hair

Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: March 21 2004 at 1:29am
You can't actually make cowlicks go away. I think generally you just have the part prone to sticking up left a little longer so it has a little more weight, and if that doesn't get it to lie down, you put some product on it and stick it down.

More awesome than a manatee!

Posted By: jason69
Date Posted: March 21 2004 at 10:55pm
Thanks, I appreciate the info. I've heard relaxers can weaken them to the point they don't stick up as much. Not sure whether that's true or not


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