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Help frizzy short hair

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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Short Hair
Forum Description: Devoted to the special needs of short hair
Printed Date: February 08 2025 at 11:47pm

Topic: Help frizzy short hair
Posted By: tinkerjill
Subject: Help frizzy short hair
Date Posted: September 06 2010 at 7:46am
my hair is so frizzy and nothing helps,i.e good products, good haircut, i use shades for color so as not to make my hair dryer or damaged.I am not willing to spend 300 plus a month for blow drys or $600 for a brazilian straightner.
My hair is pretty short and it is still a frizzy mess.  Any ideas?
I am thinking of shaving my head to see if grows back smoother.
Please help  no fetishers please

Posted By: hairalways
Date Posted: September 15 2010 at 9:25am
Firstly, cutting it all off will not make it grow back smoother.  Hair texture is genetically determined and can also be influenced by diet.
Outwardly, hair can be affected by weather, the water you use and the amound of chemicals you put in it.
I have frizzy wavy hair and I use the Peter Coppola keratin treatment on it. I have a friend do the procedure and a bottle costs approx 160.00 on folica. com. It is good for 4 uses if you keep it sealed tight. It really does work.
Good luck


Posted By: dotcom45
Date Posted: November 22 2010 at 1:11pm
Hi Hairalways,

I'm a hairstylist and I'll tell you an easy way to control frizz. I do this for my wife once a week. It might help you or not, but try it.

Clean your hair very very well and leave your hair damp them take a very good conditioner, I use pantene conditioner the one in the tube that has the green label on it the one for moisture.

Put a little more than a quarters worth in your hand and distribute the conditioner all over your hair use more if needed. Make sure all your hair is covered and you can see the conditioner. Get yourself a very good shower cap and cover your hair with the conditioner in it and leave the conditioner in for at least 20 to 30 minutes.

you can use a hairdryer all over your head on medium to hot heat for 20 minutes or until hair looks almost dry don't dry the hair with the conditioner in it. Then rinse your hair if your hair feels slick and easy to comb out wet you should see results. You'll get better results without the shower cap.

Hope that helps you out.


Posted By: sarah alfred
Date Posted: December 25 2010 at 10:15pm
dont cut it , that will never helps , only cut the ends and dont do anything in it for at least 2, 3 weeks


Posted By: baldshorthair
Date Posted: February 19 2011 at 8:51pm">

If you
decide to cut your long hair, then your long hair should not be thrown away. This is because many benefits of hair pieces, one of them to make a wig and "hair extensions".

can sell pieces of your hair to wig maker manufacturer or the salon with an agreed price

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