I went brunette!
Printed From: HairBoutique.com
Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Color
Forum Description: The tricks and tribulations of changing your hair color
URL: https://talk.hairboutique.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=67294
Printed Date: January 10 2025 at 5:53am
Topic: I went brunette!
Posted By: leah2412
Subject: I went brunette!
Date Posted: October 13 2010 at 10:56am
I have been coloring my hair blonde for 11 years now and have been anywhere from platinum blonde to a light golden blonde, probably about a level 8-9. I finally got fed up with the maintenince and the money of getting my roots done every six weeks so I told my stylist to do it dark. I would have done it myself since I am pretty familiar with color, but I wasn't sure what level and tone of filler I should put on. Anyhow, it's now a cool level 5 with some kind of strange purpleish undertone and it clashes very much with my complexion. It isn't muddy at all; very rich in just a weird undertone. My colorist is very good and I have been going to her for years so I am thinking it's just a result of putting dark dye on bleached hair. For reference, I have light brown eyes and light/med skin with warm undertones. I know my color will lighten up in the next few weeks, but I was thinking of putting a demi permanent glaze on it (shades eq is what I was thinking but am open to other suggestions) to warm it up. Has anyone been in this going light to dark situation and it turns an unflattering shade of brown? I would love to hear everyone's feedback!
Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: October 14 2010 at 12:25pm
Sounds like she used a color with too much violet base, the base tends to show when going from lightened to darker. If you dye over it with a brown with a gold base, that ought to counter the violet and warm it up. (Or you can go back to your stylist and tell her its too purple and see if she will fix it for you without charging).
Since you asked for stories, yes, I have been blonde and gone dark over it a few times. Over the years I have learned a few things. One is that 20 volume developer works better than 10 volume for this when using permanent dye. (I would have thought 10 was all you needed since you don't want lift, but did a test strand with each and found the 20 volume went darker and lasted longer). I guess the extra peroxide helps open the hair strand so the dye can get in. I have also learned that using red or green bases in brown dye when doing this can lead to some yucky colors! Green based brown dye will turn it green, and red based dye will turn it various shades of red brown (can be very bright red sometimes). I have used those by mixing the two together, this came out okay, but I like better what I do now. I usually choose a gold or neutral base and sometimes mix a little violet based brown in it to counter the yellowyness of the blonde, (very little), because like you I don't like cool shades on me. Though the worst thing I've ever done was use henna over lightened hair. They tell you not to do that on the henna jar, and boy they mean it! That sea monster green is permanant. All you can do is cut it off. Much better to stick with chemicals in this situation!
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Posted By: leah2412
Date Posted: October 14 2010 at 4:17pm
Thanks for the advice and your story! I think I am going to try combine shades eq 06G St. Tropez Dark Golden Blonde and 06NB dark neutral blonde to make a slightly warm but not to warm color. She actually put a 5.3 which is described a light golden brown on my hair, but showed up on my hair very dark so I am the level 6 glaze will help with the severity of the color and the undertone of it.
Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: October 15 2010 at 9:21am
The 6 won't lift the 5 any lighter, (color won't lift color), but it will probably tone down the purple. You might want to test strand just to make sure its what you want before you add more damage to all of it.
I had the same happen, I dyed my hair darker the last time using a level 5 mixed with 6, and it came out a blackish brown (but I had used the 10 volume developer that time, so it faded to medium brown in a week, then eventually to dark blonde). Then this time I was trying to go that dark again, I wanted it blacker, and mixed 2 level 5s together (with 20 volume dev.) thinking that would be good enough, and I got medium brown! Both were clairol permanent, so I still don't know why that happened, but either way, its all good! (I also wear cover-up make up though, so the complexion thing is less of an issue no matter what I do to it.)
------------- Making metal barettes/concord clips hair safe, long hair style how to: http://alonghair.wordpress.com